



The UVRA Graduate Scholarship was developed with the intention of helping graduate students pursue their goal of conducting research on the many factors related to aging and health outcomes within the rapidly growing 55+ age group. The scholarship annually provides:

Two awards, of $1,000.00 each, are given to academically outstanding graduate students, with preference to PhD students, whose area of study is focused on adults aged 55+ and who are working with the Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health. Selection of each recipient will be based on a statement that explains the intent and impact of their research (max 500 words).

Preference is given to students who have received no other awards or whose total award funding in the academic year does not exceed $5,000.

Approval of each recipient is made by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate Awards Committee upon the recommendation of the Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health.

You are strongly urged to contribute to this worthy initiative which will have long term positive effects on furthering the research on aging.

To contribute simply click on this link: