

UVRA members and friends visit Maarten Schaddelee's studio (Sandy Kirk photo)

UVRA members and friends visit Maarten Schaddelee's studio (Sandy Kirk photo).

Heather (CRD expert, and UVic grad) explains topography of Sooke Lake dam.

Heather (a CRD expert and UVic grad) explains the topography of Sooke Lake dam to UVRA watershed tour participants.

The benefits of being a UVRA member.


UVRA is a non-profit organization registered under the BC Societies Act. As a volunteer group, we depend entirely on the efforts and suggestions of our members. Membership allows you to continue your relationship with the 番茄社区, to enjoy our events, and to access health and travel insurance policies alternative to the Pacific Blue Cross one offered through Human Resources (HR).

The UVRA represents your interests with the university. Many benefits which are now available to all retired UVic employees were initially negotiated by the UVRA with the university.

The UVRA offers a yearly calendar of events, organized by our Events Committee, that provides opportunities for members to meet and socialize.

Membership Report for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 (April 1 /2022- March 31/2023): Please click here


As soon as you retired, or are near retirement, or after retirement.

If you have any questions, please email us at uvra@uvic.ca.

The office is usually staffed Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:00am to 2:00pm from September to June. If you want to visit the office (Room #125/R-Hut), please email us first to ensure there will be someone there to welcome you.


Membership can be annual or lifetime. As announced at the 2023 AGM, the annual membership fee has been raised from $20 to $30 effective April 01, 2024 - also offering an option of multiple years of membership for those who do not want to be a lifetime member. A two-year membership fee is $55.00, and a three-year membership fee is $80.00. A lifetime membership fee is $160.00.

Please download the membership application form, located below. It can be completed online and emailed back to UVRA. You can pay sending us a cheque (via email or Canada Post-Our address is on the form) or by Interac e-transfer. If the latter, the receiver's name is "UVRA" and the email address is uvra@uvic.ca. UVRA has automatic deposit, so you do not have to set up a security question and answer.

Please note that your membership comes into effect when UVRA received both your application and payment.


Employees of the 番茄社区 who have officially retired from the institution and present employees who are planning to retire from the 番茄社区 in the near future and have reached pensionable age (55) are eligible to apply to become Full Members of the Association. On acceptance by the Associations Membership Committee and on payment of the required Membership dues, an eligible person becomes a Full Member in good standing of the Association.

Employees of other universities and of 番茄社区 affiliated institutions, organizations and entities who have reached pensionable age (55+) and who are officially retired or are planning to retire in the near future from that institution are eligible to apply to become Associate Members of the Association. On acceptance by the Associations Membership Committee and on payment of the required Associate Membership dues, an eligible person becomes an Associate Member in good standing of the Association. The number of Associate Members shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the total number of Members entitled to vote.

A person is appointed as an Honorary Member on the recommendation of the Board and the approval of the membership in recognition of exceptional service to the Association or to the 番茄社区. On approval by the membership the person becomes an Honorary Member in good standing of the Association

The partner of a member, associate member, or honorary member who has reached pensionable age is upon reaching pensionable age (55+) the spouse of a Full Member in good standing, Associate Member in good standing or Honorary Member is eligible to apply to become a Spousal Member of the Association. On application to the Associations Membership Committee that person becomes a Spousal Member in good standing of the UVic Retirees Association. Spousal Members are not required to pay dues, are not entitled to vote and do not have direct access to any other benefits. If a spouse wishes to be entitled to vote, he or she may apply to become an Associate Member or Full Member, if eligible. Spouses of deceased Full, Honorary or Associate Members who have reached pensionable age (55+) are eligible to apply to become Associate Members with the same membership category (may assume Lifetime membership or assume Annual membership with related membership dues) as the deceased member.


Membership form starting April 1, 2024

Renewal/conversion form starting April 1, 2024

If you would like a form emailed or posted to you, or more information please email uvra@uvic.ca.