
Living learning communities

Residence Services will be offering ten Living Learning Communities (LLCs) in single dormitory rooms in 2024-25, to enliven your residence experience and enhance your learning. These unique residence communities encourage interaction by bringing together students with common interests or areas of study. Each LLC provides focused programming and events to connect you with other students who share your passions.

This year we will be offering interest based LLCs, faculty based LLCs, quiet and substance-free communities, and Graduate specific housing. There will also be select LLCs available to both first year and undergraduate students, an LLC in Cluster, and a select number of LLCs located on our pod style floors in Sŋéqə ʔéʔləŋ (Sngequ House) this fall. 

If you would like to apply to an LLC, you must select it as one of your preferences in the residence application. You may apply for up to two LLCs.

You will be asked to answer one question about your motivation for applying to your chosen LLC. Applicants will be selected based on their effectiveness in demonstrating:

  • experiences and genuine interest in the theme
  • ability to contribute creatively to the theme and community

Responses should be no longer than 250 words and should be written as a clear and concise personal essay. Applicants should use examples from their past experience, education, employment and life history to illustrate their answers.

The applications are evaluated by the Living Learning Communities Committee. Room offers to the LLCs are based on strength and date of application.

LLCs in single rooms

The LLCs are located in communities with single dormitory rooms, mixed gender floors, and access to a shared single-shared bathrooms. A select group of LLCs will be located on pod floors, and one LLC will be located in Cluster (upper year students only). 

Arts Collective

This community provides the opportunity for you to tap into your creativity, to create lasting memories with your peers, and to showcase your strengths and ingenuity. In the Arts Collective, you will engage in a variety of programs to explore your identity as a creative person and to learn to apply this creativity to many aspects of your life.

The Arts Collective offers activities that may include theatre trips, gallery visits, dance classes, paint-in nights. You will be encouraged to take a leadership role in the design and implementation of events that promote and expand your understanding of creativity and the arts.

All first year students are welcome to apply to this community, regardless of field of study.

Engineering Community

Are you studying with the Faculty of Engineering & Computer Science and looking for support adjusting to the challenges of university life? Students living in this community benefit from the friendship and support of being in direct daily contact with other students who share their classes, academic interests and course load. This community also provides you with informal out-of-classroom contact with professors and activities designed to complement your interests such as career nights, academic advising and exam-review sessions.

In previous years, Engineering Community events have included lab tours, field trips, construction competitions, events with the Engineering Students Societies, de-stress evening events during exam time, sushi with professors, and much more.

Applicants to this community must be first year and enrolled in the Engineering & Computer Science faculty

French Community

The French Living Learning Community brings together students from a variety of backgrounds who share a passion for French language and culture.  This LLC welcomes Francophiles (students interested in French) of all language levels, giving students the opportunity to enrich their appreciation of all aspects of the culture, language, cuisine, and entertainment of the French-speaking world.  Connection lies at the heart of language learning, and students will be encouraged to build confidence in their spoken French through diverse socio-cultural activities. 

Our staff will run events that may include French-language movie nights (with subtitles!), potlucks featuring French cuisine, language cafés, and much more. Living in the community, you are encouraged to take a leadership role in designing events that promote and expand your appreciation of what French-speaking cultures have to offer. Alors venez vivre chez nous!

All first year and undergraduate students are welcome to apply to this community, regardless of field of study.

Global Citizenship Community

The Global Citizenship Community is a place for international and Canadian students to live together and share cultures, languages and ideas. The activities in this community explore international, multicultural, and local aspects of diversity through academic, cultural and other fun experiences.

In previous years, our staff have run events that include international movie nights, global potlucks, presentations on equity and human rights and much more. Living in the community, you are encouraged to take a leadership role in the design and implementation of events that promote and expand your understanding of what it means to be a global and inclusive citizen.

All first year and undergraduate students are welcome to apply to this community, regardless of field of study. The Global Citizenship Community will be located on a pod floor with shared communal kitchen.

Health and Wellness Community

In the Health and Wellness Community, you'll participate in a variety of programs that explore the physical, environmental, spiritual, intellectual, and social aspects of health and wellness. While living in this community, you will be encouraged and supported in your desire to lead a healthy lifestyle through participation in campus events and residence programs. 

There are a variety of activities in the Health and Wellness Community that encourage you to live out this theme including intramurals like Res Soccer, spin class, nutrition information sessions, Vikes athletic events, running club, inner tube water polo, midnight swimming, meditation, lounge yoga, and more. You'll be encouraged to take a leadership role in the design and implementation of events that promote and expand your understanding of living a healthy and balanced life.

All first year and undergraduate students are welcome to apply to this community, regardless of field of study. This LLC will have locations on both a regular dormitory style floor (first years only), and in Cluster (undergraduate students only).

Humanities Community

Students living in the Humanities Community will live with, make friends with, and share the support of students who share their passion for Humanities subjects and their motivation to engage deeply with learning. They will come together to explore and develop their love of language, reading, writing, history, philosophical debates, and diverse cultures. This community values human dignity, creativity, justice, and freedom and is committed to making humanity better through education and social action.

As a member of the Humanities Community, you will be able to participate in study groups, writing workshops, career workshops, and events to connect you with Humanities professors outside the classroom, as well as other activities to support your transition into university.

Applicants to this community must be first year and enrolled in the Faculty of Humanities.

Indigenous Community

The Indigenous LLC offers a fantastic opportunity to live in a community that connects students while away from home, sharing culture and traditions together. Dynamic programming opportunities will include a variety of cultural and social activities (examples could include beading, health and wellness programs, cooking programs etc.) aimed to enhance your experience living in the community. The Indigenous LLC will be well supported by several on-campus faculties, departments and services, including the Indigenous Studies program.

All first year, undergraduate and graduate students who self identify as Indigenous are welcome to apply to this community, regardless of field of study. For 2024-25, the community will be located on a pod floor in Sŋéqə ʔéʔləŋ (Sngequ House).

Science Community

Students living in the Science Community benefit from the friendship and support of being in direct daily contact with other students who share their classes, academic interests and course load. This community also provides you with informal out-of-classroom contact with professors as well as activities designed to complement your interests such as career nights, academic advising and exam-review sessions.

As a member of the Science Community, you will be able to participate in activities such as study groups, lab tours, field trips, events with professors and other activities to support learning and transition into university.

Applicants to this community must be first year and enrolled in the Bachelor of Science program.

Social Science Community

Students living in the Social Science Community benefit from the friendship and support of being in direct daily contact with other students who share their classes, academic interest and course load. This community also provides students with informal out-of-classroom contact with professors as well as activities designed to complement your interests such as career nights, academic advising and exam-review sessions. 

As a member of the Social Science Community, you will be able to participate in activities such as study groups, discussion groups, field trips, events with professors and other activities to engage and examine aspects of society and the world we live in. 

Applicants to this community must be first year and enrolled in the Bachelor of Social Science program

Sustainability Community

In the Sustainability Community, you’ll explore sustainable living as an individual, as a community and as a society. Living in this building, you will understand human influences and their effects on the environment while reducing your own carbon footprint. You will also identify changes to your behaviour that contribute to environmental sustainability and integrate sustainable practices into your everyday activities. You will participate in initiatives beyond your daily activities in order to have a positive impact on the environment.

The sustainability theme lends itself to a variety of activities that encourage you to live an eco-friendly lifestyle. In previous years events have included organic vs. non-organic food taste-tests, beach clean-ups, eco resolutions, hikes, festivals and invasive-species pulls. Living in the community, you are encouraged to take a leadership role in the design and implementation of events that promote and expand your understanding of living a sustainable life.

All first year and undergraduate students are welcome to apply to this community, regardless of field of study.