

Which other professional service does Dr. Rhodes offer?

Dr. Rhodes' other professional involvements include:

  • Memberships
  • Editorials
  • Board memberships
  • Consulting

A full description of Dr. Rhodes' service is provided in a pdf.

Current positions

  • Co-Editor-In-Chief at
  • Associate Editor,
  • UVic School of EPHE Graduate Program Advisor


Dr. Rhodes serves as an editor for the following journals.

  • Editorial board member at
  • Editorial board member at
  • Editorial board member at
  • Editorial board member at
  • Associate editor,
  • Associate editor, 
  • Editorial board member,
  • Editorial board member,
  • Editorial board member, 
  • Guest editor,

Past positions

  • Senior Co-Chair SBM Theories and Techniques of Behavior Change Interventions Special Interest Group (2019-2021)
  • Associate Director, Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health (2016-2020)
  • Associate Editor,

Memberships in professional organizations

Dr. Rhodes is an active member of the following professional organizations. He and his research team often attend conferences held by these organizations.

Select board or committee memberships

  • Guest Editor, Frontiers in Psychology – Performance Science- Special Issue on
  • Conference chair for the International Congress of Behavioral Medicine 2023
  • Advisory Board Member on E-Active, World Health Organization
  • Scientific advisory board member for the 2020 Canadian 24-Hour Movement Behaviour Guidelines
  • Scientific advisory board member for Canada’s Adult Physical Activity Report Card
  • Guest Editor, Frontiers in Psychology – Movement Science and Sports Psychology- Special Issue on Affect in Exercise and Sport Psychology
  • Board member (research advisory) for ParticipACTION (national)
  • BC COVID-19 and Physical Activity Research Advisory Group
  • Advisory board member for Fitbit
  • Board member for the Centre for Hip Health and Mobility (UBC Hospital)
  • Conference organizing committee: International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) Congress Vancouver
  • Standing committee member for the Royal Society of Canada

See here for a full list of Dr. Rhodes' board and committee memberships.


Dr. Rhodes is available to consult on the following topics:

  • statistical analyses
  • research design
  • causal modeling
  • exercise prescription
  • exercise intervention strategies

If you would like a consultation on these topics, please contact .