
Flourishing Children & Youth Program Fair

Third Annual Program Fair: May 9th, 2024

On May 9th, 2024, the Collaborative for Youth and Society is pleased to host the Third Annual Flourishing Children & Youth Program Fair. Organized in collaboration with the CRD Community Health Network, the program fair will showcase community- and school-based programs and initiatives created to support children, youth, young adults and their families.

Present Your Program or Initative:

We are inviting presenters to showcase community- or school-based programs or initiatives that support children, youth, young adults and their families. Please apply through the. There is no cost to apply or present, but spots are limited. Those who attended our previous program fairs are also encouraged to apply again.

Guest Registration:

If you do not wish to present your program or initative but would like to attend as a guest, please register through the

Second Annual Program Fair: May 11th, 2023

On May 11th, 2023, the Centre for Youth and Society hosted the Second Annual Flourishing Children & Youth Program Fair. The program fair was a great opportunity to have educators, counsellors, community leaders, researchers, and students connect and learn from one another.

New additions to the program fair for this year include multiple workshops throughout the day, a youth-led panel discussion, and a larger venue to accommodate more booth presenters.

Thank you to everyone who attended!

First Annual Program Fair

The 2022 Flourishing Children & Youth Program Fair took place on May 19th, 2022. The Centre for Youth and Society organized this program fair in collaboration with the CRD Community Health Network. This day also served as an opportunity to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Centre as a UVic research centre.

The Centre for Youth and Society and the CRD Community Health Network would like to thank everyone who attended and provided important feedback and suggestions. This information was compiled into the 2022 program fair report. Please see the 2022 program fair report here.