
Doug Johnstone

Doug Johnstone
Adjunct Associate Professor; Principal Research Officer
UVic Physics and Astronomy; NRC Herzberg
Office: Room 307, DAO
Area of expertise

Star formation, planet formation, millimeter-wave astronomy

Selected Research Papers

Accepted JCMT Transient Survey Papers:

The JCMT Transient Survey: Stochastic and Secular Variability of Protostars and Disks In the Sub-Millimeter Observed Over Eighteen Months 
D. Johnstone, G. Herczeg, S. Mairs, et al. 2018, ApJ accepted () 

The JCMT Transient Survey: Identifying Submillimetre Continuum Variability over Several Year Timescales Using Archival JCMT Gould Belt Survey Observations 
S. Mairs, D. Johnstone, et al. 2017, ApJ 849, 107 () 

The JCMT Transient Survey: Detection of sub-mm variability in a Class I protostar EC 53 in Serpens Main 
H. Yoo, J.-E. Lee, S. Mairs, D. Johnstone, et al. 2017, ApJ 849, 69 () 

The JCMT Transient Survey: Data Reduction and Calibration Methods 
S. Mairs, J. Lane, D. Johnstone, et al. 2017, ApJ 843, 55. () 

How do stars gain their mass? A JCMT/SCUBA-2 Transient Survey of Protostars in Nearby Star Forming Regions 
G. Herczeg, D. Johnstone, et al. 2017, ApJ 849, 43()