
ARC Star Talks

UVic is hosting a virtual seminar series focused on stellar astronomy, nuclear astrophysics and near-field cosmology. Future talks and abstracts are also posted .

Please click for the Zoom link. 

Recorded talks are available below.

Date/Time Speaker/Institution Title
March 15 at 2:00pm

Tryone Woods


The First Stars and the Birth of the Most Massive, High-redshift Quasars
March 29 at 2:00pm

Erika Holmbeck

Rochester Institute of Technology, New York

The Origin of the Heavy Elements: What We Can Learn from Metal-Poor Stars
April 12 at 2:00pm

Earl Bellinger

Stellar Astrophysics Center, Aarhus, Denmark

What can astroseismology do for astrophysics?

May 3 at 2:00pm

Trevor Dorn-Wallerstein

Astronomy Department, University of Washington

New Phenomena in Evolved Supergiants Revealed by TESS
May 10 at 2:00pm

Daniel Siegel

Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Ontario

How to synthesize heavy elements: neutron-star mergers and beyond
May 24 at 2:00pm

John Wise

Center for Relativistic Astrophysics, Georgia Tech

First Stars, Black Holes, and Galaxies in the Universe
June 6 at 2:00pm

Benoit Côté

Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Konkoly Observatory



Recorded Talks

Recorded talks are available on this page or .

Erika Holmbeck - The Origin of the Heavy Elements: What We Can Learn from Metal-Poor Stars

Earl Bellinger - What can astroseismology do for astrophysics?

Trevor Dorn-Wallerstein -  New Phenomena in Evolved Supergiants Revealed by TESS

Daniel Seigel - How to synthesize heavy elements: neutron-star mergers and beyond

John Wise - First Stars, Black Holes, and Galaxies in the Universe