
Other UVic facilities

Should you need different capabilities, other multi-user instruments are housed in various locations on campus:

All CAMTEC resources are listed on the system, you can also find other labs hosted in the CAMTEC FOM system.

The Electron Microscopy Laboratory

 houses Dr. Nahirney's Jeol JEM 1400, a Hitachi S-3500N variable pressure SEM with EDX, ultramicrotomes, critical point dryer, vacuum evaporator, auto freeze substitution system, cryofixation workstation, and other equipment. It is in the Department of Biology, located in Cunningham 065.

  is available to internal and external users. The equipment is located at the Electron Microscopy Laboratory, in the Department of Biology at Cunningham 065. Contact Fernando Ibanez to discuss access to the instrument.

You can find those bookable resources and contract information in the CAMTEC .

The Advanced Imaging Facility

The Advanced Imaging Facility contains a diverse array of optical microscopy equipment and supporting equipment. It is in the Department of Biology, located in Petch 009 and 106.

Olympus confocal laser scanning microscope

 from the  has an  available for use. It can be booked through the CAMTEC .