

UVic Orientation is committed to making our events as accessible and barrier-free as possible. If you have any accessibility needs in order to participate in our events, please provide details when you register and/or contact us at orientation@uvic.ca.

Our accessibility practices

In-person events

  • Wheelchair accessible: All buildings used in orientation programming are wheelchair accessible.
  • Respite spaces:  Respite spaces are available at all central orientation events. These are quiet spaces that you can visit if you need a break from the crowds and noise of orientation. 
  • Child-friendly: All orientation events are child-friendly; if you are unable to find child care, you are more than welcome to bring your child with you. While we appreciate advance notice if a child will be attending, it is not required.  

Virtual events

Most events hosted virtually will be using Zoom. This platform offers a number of , including captioning. 

  • Closed captioning: All of our virtual events will include closed captioning
  • Screen-reader compatible platforms: All live workshops and info sessions will be delivered in screen-reader compatible platforms. 
  • Recorded sessions: Many workshops and info sessions will be recorded and available for later viewing on our website. When the recordings are posted, they will either contain captions, or be accompanied by a transcript, when possible.
  • Presentation materials: In many cases, copies of the presentation slides can be shared, upon request. 

Something else we're missing? Please do not hesitate to reach out with any other accommodations you may require to participate!