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Salmon at stake

June 22, 2018 - knowlEDGE

While many factors have contributed to the dwindling numbers of salmon—historic overfishing, warming ocean temperatures, reduced river levels, hatchery competition, freshwater habitat destruction, and disease—it's difficult to pin down the most significant causes. UVic research Francis Juanes believes that many causes of salmon mortality occur early in life.

Read more: Salmon at stake
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A passion for sociology

June 4, 2018 - The Ring

Falling in love with sociology and social justice studies came as something of a a surprise to social sciences grad Qwisun Yoon-Potkins, who moved from East Vancouver to pursue her post-secondary education at UVic. She graduates this month with an honours BA in sociology and a diploma in social justice studies.

Read more: A passion for sociology
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Student community action projects raise over $10,000 for good causes

June 16, 2017 - The Ring

Creating social change is slow, challenging and often discouraging-but a class of environmental studies students took up the challenge with surprising results. Students in ES 407, "Mindfulness, Sustainability and Social Change," undertook community action projects in groups that ended up raising over $10,000 for good causes locally and internationally.

Read more: Student community action projects raise over $10,000 for good causes