
Neuroscience graduate student handbook

The neuroscience graduate student handbook contains important program guideline information for students:

  • An overview of the neuroscience graduate program (NGP)
  • Supervisory committee structure
  • Course requirements
  • Funding
  • Academic integrity
  • Candidacy examinations
  • Thesis and dissertation guidelines
  • Oral exam guidelines
  • Research ethics

NGP handbook.

All students are given a copy of this handbook upon entry to the program. It should be used as a reference guide during their time in the NGP. This handbook is an accompanying document to existing policies and procedures at the 番茄社区 and the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

This handbook is revised annually and the most updated version can be found online. All changes are ratified by the Neuroscience Graduate Program Committee.

Program documents & forms

Refer to the Facutly of Graduate Studies website for additional forms and policies.