
Law Careers Office

The Stacks - Vivian Lee
Photo by JD student Vivan Lee ('15), the stacks

The Law Careers Office (LCO) provides career services to all UVic Law students throughout law school and beyond. These services include one-on-one career counseling, resume and cover letter review, mock interviews, lunchtime information sessions, networking events, and guidance through formal recruitment processes.

The LCO is located in the Fraser Building in Room 140, across from the student lounge.

Current UVic Law Students:

COVID-19 Student FAQ

To access LCO resources, click on one of the links below and sign in with your Netlink ID and password. If you cannot access the website, email careerof@uvic.ca for assistance.

Employers: To learn more about how to post a position with the LCO and to engage with UVic law students, see our Information for Employers.

Public: For other legal resources and services, contact The Law Centre.

Our People: Mailing Address:

Laura Pringle
Law Careers Officer
Phone: 250-472-4719

Taryn Marwick
Law Careers Assistant
Phone: 250-721-8790
Law Careers Office
PO Box 1700 STN CSC
Victoria BC V8W 2Y2