
Jun Tian

Jun Tian
Associate Teaching Professor
Pacific and Asian Studies
Office: CLE C220
Area of expertise

Second language acquisition; Classroom-based research; Second language writing; Teaching English as a second language; Teaching Chinese as a second language; Chinese linguistics


PhD, 番茄社区

Research Interests
  • Second language acquisition
  • Classroom-based research
  • Second language writing
  • Teaching English as a second language
  • Teaching Chinese as a second language
  • Chinese linguistics

Jun Tian received her Ph.D. in Linguistics at the 番茄社区. Her dissertation was on the effects of peer editing and co-writing on second language writing, and won a dissertation award from “Language Learning”. Her graduate work was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, a Chinese Government Award, and several UVic Fellowships.

Jun’s research interests are in the areas of applied linguistics, second language acquisition, classroom-based research, second language writing, and Chinese linguistics. She teaches both Chinese language and Chinese linguistics courses in the department.

Before joining the Department of Pacific and Asian Studies, Jun taught at Xi’an University of Technology, York University, George Brown College, and the Department of Linguistics at UVic. She has brought with her many years of teaching and curriculum development experience at the university level in Canada and in China.

Selected Publications


Tian, J. & Nassaji, H. (to appear). Social Constructivism. In Zeraatpishe, M. & Faravani, A. (Eds.). Issues in Applying SLA Theories toward Creative Teaching.

Nassaji, H. & Tian, J. (2014). Coproduction of language forms and its effects on L2 learning. In Benati, A. Laval, C. & Arche, M. J. (Eds.). The Grammar Dimension in Instructed Second Language Learning. London & New York: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

Nassaji, H. & Tian, J. (2014). The role of language co-production in learning English vocabulary. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 143, 794-798. Open Access.

Tian, J. & Tang, K. (2014). Does the future come from behind? Teaching and Learning of the expressed metaphors of time in Chinese language. Selected Papers of the 2nd International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language Research. Taiwan: National Taiwan Normal University.

Tian, J. & Nassaji, H. (2013). Verbal Interaction in L2 Writers’ Peer Editing Activities: A meta-synthesis of selected literature. In Baleghizadeh, S. (Ed.).  Handbook of Current Research in Teaching Second Language Skills. Tehran: Shahid Beheshti University Press.

Tang, K. & Tian, J. (2013). “Hao rizi zai houtou” vs. “Hao rizi zai qiantou”: An Issue on Teaching Time-related Expressions to Chinese L2 Learners. Proceedings of Canadian Teaching-Chinese-as-a-Second-Language Symposium.

Tian, J. (2013). Character Learning and Sentence Building through Class Activities. Proceedings of Canadian Teaching-Chinese-as-a-Second-Language Symposium.

Nassaji, H. & Tian, J. (2013). Co-production of Language Forms and the Learning of English Vocabulary. Proceedings of the 5th World Conference on Educational Sciences.

Tian, J. (2012). Strategies to enhance Chinese learners’ writing skills. Canadian Teaching Chinese-as-a-Second-Language Journal, 3

Nassaji, H. & Tian, J. (2010). Collaborative and Individual Output Tasks and Their Effects on Learning English Phrasal Verbs. Language Teaching Research, 14, 397-419. 

Tian, J. (2010). Writing Practice of Beginner Chinese-as-a-foreign-language Learners , Canadian Teaching Chinese-as-a-Second-Language Journal, 2, 123-128. 

Tang, K. & Tian, J. (2010). Culture Comparison in the First Year Chinese-as-a-foreign Language Class. Selected Papers of the 9th International Symposium on Chinese Language Teaching (pp. 615-620). Beijing, China: Higher Education Press. 

Tian, J. (2009). An Optimality Theory Analysis of Diminutive Suffixation of Beijing Chinese, Working Papers in Linguistics, 番茄社区. 

Tian, J. (2007). Categorical status of the BA construction. In Carter, Nicole, Hadic Zabala, Loreley Marie, Rimrott, Anne, & Storoshenko, Dennis Ryan (Eds.). Proceedings of the 22nd Northwest Linguistics Conference, 14 pages.

Selected Conference Presentations

Tian, J. (2016). Task-based Learning in Chinese L2 Classes. Canadian Teaching-Chinese-as-a-Second- Language Symposium, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Tian, J. & Nassaji, H. (2016). Collaborative Writing Approaches in Practice: Effects of Peer Review and Co-writing on Chinese L2 Performance. American Association for Applied Linguistics 2016 Conference, Orlando, Florida.

Tian, J. (2015). What can students do together? Writing Stories in Chinese with a Partner. American Council on The Teaching of Foreign Languages 2015 Convention and World Languages Expo, San Diego, California.

Tian, J. (2015). Integrated insights on “Integrated Chinese”. Canadian Teaching-Chinese-as-a-Second- Language Symposium, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Tang, K. & Tian, J. (2013). “Hao rizi zai houtou” vs. “Hao rizi zai qiantou”: An Issue on Teaching Time-related Expressions to Chinese L2 Learners. Canadian Teaching-Chinese-as-a-Second-Language Symposium, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Nassaji, H. & Tian, J. (2013). The Role of Language Co-production in Learning English Vocabulary. The 5th World Conference on Educational Sciences, Rome, Italy.

Tian, J. & Nassaji, H. (2013). Learner-learner Interactions in Two Collaborative Writing Activities. Canadian Association for Applied Linguistics. Victoria, British Columbia.

Tian, J. & Nassaji, H. (2013). Learning English phrasal verbs through collaborative output tasks. The 44th Annual Conference of BC Teachers of English as an Additional Language. Vancouver, British Columbia.

Tian, J. (2013). Character Learning and Sentence Building through Class Activities. Canadian Teaching-Chinese-as-a-Second-Language Symposium, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Tian, J. (2013). Fostering Chinese Learning through Collaborative Writing Activities. Chinese Language Education Forum, San Francisco, California.

Tian, J. & Nassaji, H. (2012). Nature of Student Interactions in Peer Review and Co-writing. The 31st Annual Second Language Research Forum. Carnegie Mellon University and University of Pittsburg, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.

Tian, J. (2012). Strategies to Enhance Chinese Learners’ Writing Skills. The International Teaching-Chinese-as­-a-Second-Language Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Tian, J. (2012). Investigation of UVic Chinese Program: Implications for Curriculum Design. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Series, 番茄社区, Victoria, British Columbia.

Tian, J. (2012). Peer Review and Co-writing: Writing Quality, Interaction Content, and Students’ Perceptions. Linguistics Department Research Forum, 番茄社区, British Columbia.

Tang, K. & Tian, J. (2012). Does the Future Come from Behind? Teaching and Learning of the Expressed Metaphors of time in Chinese Language. 2nd International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language Research. National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan.

Tian, J. (2011). Knowing and Understanding Chinese Language Learners. Canadian Teaching-Chinese-as¬a-Second-Language Symposium, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Tian, J. (2010). Is one writing approach better than the others? Learners’ preferences. Annual Conference of American Association for Applied Linguistics. Atlanta, Georgia.

Tian, J. (2010). Cross-cultural Communications in the Master Program of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages. The 3rd International Symposium for Young Scholars on Chinese Language Teaching and Learning. Peking University, Beijing, China.

Tian, J. (2010). Writing Practice of Beginner Chinese-as-a-foreign-language Learners. Canada Teaching¬Chinese-as-a-Second Language Symposium. Vancouver, British Columbia.

Tian, J. (2010). Chinese L2 Learners’ Interests in Chinese Narrative Writing. BC China Scholar Symposium. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Tian, J. (2009). Interactions in Peer Feedback Activities. The 41st Annual Conference of BC Teachers of English as an Additional Language. Vancouver, British Columbia.

Tian, J. (2009). Analysis of teaching approaches in Chinese-as-a-second Language Writing. Canada Teaching-Chinese-as-a-Second Language Symposium. BCIT, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Tian, J. & Nassaji, H. (2009). The Effects of Collaborative and Individual Output Tasks. The 41st Annual Conference of BC Teachers of English as an Additional Language. Vancouver, British Columbia.

Tian, J. (2008). Chinese Language Learners’ Preferences in Their Writing Practice. The 9th International Symposium on Chinese Language Teaching. Beijing, China, 2008.

Tian, J. & Nassaji, H. (2008). Would you like to work with your peers? Student perceptions of collaborative versus individual work”. Annual Conference of Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Tian, J. & Lin, H. (2008). Syllabification of Chinese geographic loanwords phonology and Optimality Theory. The 2nd International Conference on East Asian Linguistics. Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia, 2008.

Tang, K. & Tian, J. (2008). Teaching Chinese Using Culture Comparison in the First Year Chinese-as-a-foreign Language Class. The 9th International Symposium on Chinese Language Teaching. Beijing, China.

PAAS 118 Intensive Beginner Chinese I
PAAS 150 Pre-modern Chinese Culture
PAAS 218 Intensive Beginner Chinese II
PAAS 210 Intermediate Chinese I
PAAS 211 Intermediate Chinese II
PAAS 212 Elementary Mandarin for Speakers of Other Chinese Languages
PAAS 310 Advanced Chinese I
PAAS 311 Advanced Chinese II
PAAS 318 Intensive Intermediate Chinese
PAAS 459 Directed Readings in Chinese Linguistics
PAAS 496 Advanced Studies in Chinese