
Tsung-Cheng Lin

Tsung-Cheng Lin
Associate Professor
Pacific and Asian Studies
Office: CLE C204


PhD, University of British Columbia, Canada

MA, Indiana University, Bloomington

BA, Fu-Jen Catholic University



  • Poetry of Late Imperial China
  • Poetic Transition from 18th to early 20th Centuries
  • Narrative Tradition in Classical Chinese Poetry
  • Tradition of Knight-errantry in Chinese Poetry
  • Medieval Chinese Poetry



My teaching interests and the courses I have offered are mainly concerned with the history of pre-modern Chinese literature and culture, medieval Chinese shi 詩 and ci 詞poetry, prose writing tradition from the earlier times to the Late Imperial China, the knight-errantry (male and female knights) and revenge tradition in Chinese literature, Chinese narrative literature such as historical biography, fiction and narrative verse, Su Dongpo 蘇東坡 (1037-1101) and his ci 詞poetry, intercultural exchanges between medieval China, Central Asia and Europe, and research methodologies for the fourth year Major and Honours students and Graduate students.



PAAS 152: Essentials of Chinese Civilisation

PAAS 353: Survey of Classical Chinese Literature

PAAS 418: Classical Chinese Prose

PAAS 420: Chinese Narrative

PAAS 457: Authors in Classical Chinese Literature

PAAS 458: Themes in Classical Chinese Literature

PAAS 400: Advanced Research Seminar

PAAS 550: Research Methodologies

MEDI 360: Medieval China




  • Tsung-Cheng Lin 林宗正 and Zhang Bowei 張伯偉. From Tradition to Modernity: Poetic Transition from 18th to Early 20th Century China 從傳統到現代的中國詩學. Shanghai Guji上海古籍, China, 2017.
  • Tsung-Cheng Lin 林宗正 and JiangYin 蔣寅. A Collection of Essays on Classical Chinese Literature in Honor of Professor Kawai Kozo川合康三教授榮休文集. Phoenix Publisher (Fenghuang chubanshe 鳳凰出版社), China, 2017.




§  “Knight-errantry: Tang Frontier Poems” (Chapter 11). In Professor Zong-Qi Cai, ed., Stories of Chinese Poetic Culture: Earliest Times through the Tang (New York: Columbia University Press, 2018), pp. 159-172.


§  “Jin He (1818-1885) and the Transition of Female Knight-errantry in the Nineteenth Century China.” In Tsung-Cheng Lin and Bowei Zhang, ed., From Tradition to Modernity: Poetic Transition from 18th to Early 20th Century China從傳統到現代的中國詩學 (Shanghai Guji上海古籍, China, 2017), pp. 132-150.


§  “The Tradition of Knight-errantry in Tang poems.” In Tsung-Cheng Lin and Jiang Yin, eds., A Collection of Essays on Classical Chinese Literature in Honor of Professor Kawai Kozo川合康三教授荣休文集. Phoenix Publisher (Fenghuang chubanshe鳳凰出版社, China 2017), pp. 154-184.



  • Book Review on Jerry Schmidt, The Poet Zheng Zhen (1806–1864) and the Rise of Chinese Modernity, Leiden: Brill, 2013, The Journal of Asian Studies, Volume 74, Issue 04 (November 2015), pp 1016–1018.




§  “Ming Poetry 1522–1644: New Literary Traditions.” Oxford Bibliographies in Chinese Studies and is available at 


§  “Ming Poetry 1368-1521: Era of Archaism.” Peer-reviewed and accepted to Oxford Bibliographies in Chinese Studies and will be available soon at 


§  “Qing Poetry 1644-1911.” Oxford Bibliographies in Chinese Studies (ongoing)



§   “An Examination on the Forms of Writing In Pre-modern Chinese and European Poetry Criticism” 古代中西詩學表述形式略論, Journal of Chinese Literature (中國文學學報) (Peking University and Hong Kong University of Chinese eds.), Vol 10 (Dec 2019), pp.163-211.


§  “Narrative as a Concept in Poetry of the Tang” (唐代詩歌的敘事概念), Rendition of Classical Chinese Literature Studies (海外中國古典文學研究譯叢) (China: Phoenix Publishing House 鳳凰出版社), Vol. 1 (Nov 2019), pp. 45-65. 



§  “The Poetic Transition and Modernity in Chen Sanli’s (1852-1937) Ancient-Style Verse”. In Professor Zhiyi Yang (Department of Sinology, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main), ed., Frontiers of Literary Studies in China (Higher Education Press, 2018), 12.2, pp. 281-298.


§  “Jin He (1818-1885) and the Narrative Tradition in Poetry of Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries China” (金和 (1818-1885) 與十七到十九世紀清朝詩歌的敘事傳統), Journal of Chinese Literature (中國文學學報) (Peking University and Hong Kong University of Chinese eds.), Vol 9 (Dec 2018), pp.191-226.



§  “Narrative Tradition in Poetry of Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century China.” In Chinese Poetics (Zhongguo shixue 中國詩學), Vol. 22 (December 2016), pp. 71-86.



§  Sun, Xuetang 孫學堂 and Tsung-Cheng Lin林宗正. “Narrative Studies on Wang Changling’s Music Bureau and seven-syllable quatrain” 詩家夫子的聚焦魔鏡镜——王昌齡樂府七絕的敘事觀察, Journal of Nankai University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition) 南開學報(哲學社會科學版)(Tianjin, China), Vol. 1 (2015), pp. 26-36.



§  “Female Knight-errantry in Qing (1644-1911) Poetry.” Ming-Qing Studies Newsletter (Academia Sinica, Taiwan), No. 44 (August 15, 2014).


§  “Knight-errantry in Poetry of Seven to Tenth Century China.” Wenhui Bao 文匯報 (Shanghai, China), August 25, 2014.


§  “Narrative Focalization and Historical Writing in Wu Weiye’s (1609-1671) Verse.” Chinese Poetics (Zhongguo shixue 中國詩學), Vol. 18 (December 2014), pp. 176-199.



§  “Lady Avengers in Jin He’s (1818-1885) Narrative Verse of Female Knight-errantry.” Frontier of History in China, Vol. 8, No. 4 (December 2013), pp. 493-516.



§  “The Tradition of Narrative Under Lyricism: Focalization and Narration in the Ancient Yuefu Poem ‘Southeast the Peacock Flies’.” Journal of Sun Yatsen University (Social Science Edition) 中山大學學報(社會科學版) (Guangzhou, China) 52.6 (November 2012), pp. 20-33.


§  “Sequencing and Narration in ‘Southeast the Peacock Flies’ and Its Impact on the Narrative Tradition of Chinese Poetry,” Journal of the Study of Chinese Literature (Zhongguo wenxue yanjiu中國文學研究) Vol. 19 (edited and published by Fudan University 復旦大學, Shanghai, China) (April 2012), pp. 29-47.


§  “The Tradition of Narrative Under Lyricism: Focalization and Narration in the Ancient Yuefu Poem ‘Southeast the Peacock Flies’.” Journal of Sun Yatsen University (Social Science Edition) 中山大學學報 (社會科學版) (Guangzhou, China) 52.6 (Volume 52, Issue 6; 52卷 6 期) (November 2012), pp. 20-33.



§  “A Study of Narrative Speed in Yuefu (Musical Bureau) Poetry of the Han and Six Dynasties,” Newsletter for International China Studies (Guoji Hanxue Yanjiu Tongxun 國際漢學研究通訊) (edited and sponsored by the International Sinological Center, Peking University 北京大學, published by Zhonghua Book 中華書局), No. 4 (December, 2011), pp. 23-45.



§  “The Development of Catenation in Tang Narrative Verse: Defining the Achievement of Bai Juyi 白居易 in the Tradition of Chinese Narrative Poetry” (in Japanese, 唐代叙事詩における頂真格の展開 – 併せて白居易叙事詩の意義を再考す), translated by Minako Ninomiya. The Haku Kyoi Kenkyuu Nenpou白居易研究年報 9 (The Annual of Bai Juyi Studies, Tokyo, Japan) (September, 2008), pp. 40-62.



§  “The Development of Catenation in poetry from the Shijing to the Han and Six Dynasties” (in Japanese, 詩經から漢魏六朝の敘事詩における頂真格 – 形式及び語りの機能の發展を中心に), translated by Minako Ninomiya. The Chugoku Bungakuho中國文學報 74 (The Journal of Chinese Literature, Kyoto University) (October, 2007), pp. 1-28.



§  “Yuan Mei’s (1716-1798) Narrative Verse.” Monumenta Serica 53 (2005), pp. 73-111.





§  “The Narrative of Time and Women in the Poetry of Jingan Regions during the Qing Dynasty,”  清朝江南詩人的時代敘事與女性書寫presented at the Nanjing Forum 2021, an international conference co-organized by Nanjing University 南京大學and the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies (KFAS), December 11-12, 2021in Nanjing, China.


§  “The Poets in Their Writing of the Nineteenth Century—Jin He (1818-1885), Yao Xie (18-5-1864) and Jiang Shi (1818-1866).” 十九世紀時代書寫中的詩人――金和、姚燮、江湜. Presented at the International Conference in Honour of Professor Kang-i Sun Chang (Yale University) on Her Retirement, hosted by Yale University and Academia Sinica (Taiwan), December 21, 2021.



§  “Narrative Concept in Poetic Form—Tang and Qing Verse as Example”  詩歌形式裡的敘事概念—以唐詩與清詩為例. Paper presented at the International Conference of Chinese Language, Literature and Narrative Tradition,” co-organized by Nanjing University 南京大學and the University of Wisconsin, Madison, May 24-25, 2019.

Notes: Presenter and Concluding Speaker of the conference.


§  “Poetry by Jiangnan (Yangtze River Delta) Literati and its Historical Writing—Poetry of Yuan Mei (1716-1797) and Jin He (1818-1885) as Example” 江南詩歌與時代書寫—以袁枚(1716-1797)、金和(1818-1885)為例. Paper presented at the Session titled “The Academic Community of Jiangnan Culture Studies in Yangtze River Delta” at the 2nd Jiangnan Context Forum (江南文脈論壇), hosted and organized by Jiangsu 江蘇 Provincial Government, Wuxi, China, Oct 28-30, 2019.


§  “An Examination on the Forms of Writing In Pre-modern Chinese and European Poetry Criticism” 古代中西詩學表述形式略論. Paper presented at the International Conference of Ming and Qing Poetry and Prose, co-organized by Nanjing University 南京大學and the Journal Literature Heritage 文學遺產 (by the  Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), Nov 1-4, 2019.

Notes: Presenter and Concluding Speaker of the conference.


§  “An Examination on the Forms of Writing In Pre-modern Chinese and European Poetry Criticism” 古代中西詩學表述形式略論. Paper presented at the International Conference of Chinese Poetics and Traditional Culture, co-organized by the South China Normal University 華南師大and the Journal Literary Criticism文學評論 (by the  Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), Nov 16-17, 2019.

Notes: Presenter, and the discussant to the Keynote Panel of the conference



§  “Jin He (1818-1885) And the Poetic Tradition in the Seventeenth to Nineteenth Century China” 金和(1818-1885)與十七到十九世紀清朝詩歌的敘事傳統. Paper presented at the International Conference of the Qing Poetics Studies, organized by Shanghai University上海大學, Oct 12-13, 2018.

Notes: Presenter and Concluding Speaker of the conference.


§  “Jin He (1818-1885) And Qing Poetic Narrative” 金和(1818-1885)與清朝詩歌敘事. Paper presented at the 3rd Nanjing Forum (Nanjing Forum 2018), an annual international conference co-organized by Nanjing University 南京大學and the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies (KFAS), November 17-18, 2018 in Nanjing, China.



§  “Linked Jades of San Francisco (Jinshan Lianyu 金山聯玉) and the Literary Writing of Huang Zunxian 黃遵憲(1848-1905) during his serving as Chinese Consul General to the United States in San Francisco (1882-1885)”. Paper presented at the 2017 International Conference for the Study of the Overseas Chinese Classics, organized by and held at Nanjing University, China, from June 30-July 3, 2017.


§  “Narrative as a Concept in Poetry of the Tang.” Paper presented at the International Conference for the Study of Medieval Chinese Literature (sponsored by the South China Normal University), November 18-19, 2017, Guangzhou, China.


§  “A New Methodology Approach to the Textual Investigation: Examining the Poetic Writing of Huang Zuxian 黃遵憲(1848-1905) through the Linked Jades of San Francisco (Jinshan Lianyu 金山聯玉)”. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference for the Literary Studies of Qing China (1644-1911), hosted by Anhui University, South China Normal University and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, held at the South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China, December 16-17, 2017.

(1)  Invited Keynote Panel Discussant to the four papers of the Keynote Panel at the 3rd International Conference for the Literary Studies of Qing China (1644-1911), hosted by Anhui University, South China Normal University and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, held at the South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China, December 16-17, 2017.

(2)   Invited Concluding Speaker of the conference at the 3rd International Conference for the Literary Studies of Qing China (1644-1911):

Topic: “New Approach to the Study of Qing Literature”



§  “Narrative Tradition in Poetry of Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century China.” Paper was presented at International Conference for the Literary Studies of Qing China (1644-1911), hosted by Anhui University and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, held at Anhui University, Hefei, China, August 15-17, 2015.


§  “Modernity in Classical Chinese Verse: Poetic Transition from Traditional to Modern in the Period of Eighteenth Century to Early Republican China.” Paper was presented at International Conference for Classical Chinese Literature Studies, hosted by and held at Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, August 21-25, 2015.



§  “The Poetic Transition and Modernity in Chen Sanli’s (1853-1937) Ancient-Style Verse.” Paper was presented at the 2014 Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Philadelphia, March 27-30, 2014.


§  “The Poetic Transition and Modernity in Chen Sanli’s Ancient-Style Verse.” Paper was invited to present at the conference “Back into Modernity: Classical Poetry and Intellectual Transition in Modern China”, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, July 4-5, 2014.



§  “Jin He (1818-1885) and the Poetic Tradition of the Female Knight-errant in Nineteenth Century China.” Paper Presented at the 2012 Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Toronto, Canada, March 15-18, 2012.


§  “Knight-Errantry: Tang Frontier Poems.” Invited lecture to Inaugural Conference of the Forum on Chinese Poetic Culture: Stories of Chinese Poetic Culture: Earliest Times through the Tang, held by The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA, October 19-20, 2012, and sponsored by CCK Foundation and Illinois University.



§  “Shi Poetry of the 17th to 19th Century China.” Paper presented in Roundtable Panel: “What Happens in (and to) Shi Poetry After the Song?” The Joint Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) and the International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS), “70 Years of Asian Studies,” held at in Honolulu, Hawaii, March 31-April 3, 2011.



§  “The Tradition of Woman Warriors in Chinese Poetry from Earliest Times to the Ninth Century.” Paper presented at the Western Social Sciences Association (WSSA) 52nd Annual Conference, April 14-17, 2010, Reno, Nevada, USA.


§  “The Tradition of Knights-errant in Classical Chinese Poetry from Earliest Times to the Late Imperial China.” Guest lecture at the conference of the Tozan no kai東山の會 (Tozan Association for Chinese Studies), May 22, 2010, held at Kyoto Women’s University, Kyoto, Japan.


§  “Sinological Studies in Europe and North America in the Past Thirty Years.” Guest lecture at the conference of the Tozan no kai東山の會 (Tozan Association for Chinese Studies), May 22, 2010, held at Kyoto Women’s University, Kyoto, Japan.


§  “The Tradition of Woman Warriors in Poetry of the Last Imperial China.” Paper presented at the 2010 ASPAC Conference (Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast Regional Conference of the Association for Asian Studies), June 18 – 20, 2010, held at Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, USA.


§  “From Retainer to Robin Hood: Evolving Images of the Knight-Errant in Early Ancient China.” Paper presented at the Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (WCAAS), October 22-24, 2010, held at California State University, Northridge, California, USA.



§  “Narrative and Lyricism in Qing (1644-1911) Poetry.” Paper presented at the 2009 BC China Scholars Symposium (March 14, 2009). David Lam Center for International Communication, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada.  


§  “The Tradition of Female Knight-errant in Qing Poetry: A Study of Jin He’s (1818 – 1885) Narrative Verse.” Paper presented at the 51st Annual Conference of American Association for Chinese Studies (October 16-18, 2009), Rollins College, Orlando, Florida, USA



§  “Historical Representation in Chinese Shishi (Poetic Histories).” Paper presented at the 2008 Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (ASPAC) Regional Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (June 13-15, 2008), the 番茄社区, British Columbia, Canada.



§  “The Tradition of Chinese Narrative Verse and Its Related Research Topics.” Invited Lecture at the Tozan no kai東山の會 (Tozan Association for Chinese Studies), held at the Graduate School of Arts and Education of Kyoto Women’s University, Kyoto, Japan. May 19, 2007.



§  “A Study of Narrative Forms in Qing Poetry.” Paper presented at the 2004 Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, September 30-October 2, 2004.


§  “Catenation and Narration in Chinese Poetry: A Study of Narrative of Catenation in the Poetry from the Shijing to Wu Weiye (1609-1672).” Paper presented at the 2004 Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, September 30-October 2, 2004.



§  “Historical Accounts Under Multiple Narrations: A Study on the Narrative Style in Tang-dynasty Narrative Verse.” Paper presented at the 2003 Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast Regional Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 19-22, 2003.


§  “A Study on the Nature of Narrative in Tang Poetry: Historical Narrations Under Multiple Voices and Perspectives.” Paper presented at the 2003 Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, October 9-11, 2003.



§  “Historical Narration Under Multiple Temporalities: A Study on the Narrative Style of Wu Weiye’s Poetry.” Paper presented at the 2002 Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast Regional Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington, June 21-23, 2002.


§  “An Introductory Study of Narrative Voice, Focalization and Structure in Wu Weiye’s Poetry.” Paper presented at the Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, September 26-28, 2002.



§  “An Exploration to the Transformation of Narrative Voice in the Tradition of Story Teller: An Analysis of the Open Narrative in the Rulin Waishi (The Scholars).”  Paper presented at the 2001 Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, the University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, October 18-20, 2001.



§  “A Study in Yuan Mei’s Narrative Poetry ‘Ballad of the Tiger’s Mouth’: An Exploration to the Transformation of the Narrative Tradition in Chinese Narrative Poetry.” Paper presented at the 2000 Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, California State University, Long Beach, California, October 6-7, 2000.

§  “The Narrative Technique of Chinese Narrative Poetry: Tradition and Innovation in Yuan Mei’s Narrative Poetry ‘Ballad of the Tiger’s Mouth.’” Paper presented at the University of Toronto’s First Annual Graduate Students’ Conference, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, October 21, 2000.





§  Organizer of the AAS Panel, titled “New Poetic Voices in an Old Tradition: Classical Chinese Poetry at the Turn of the Age (the 19th Century to the Early Republican China). The 2012 Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Toronto, Canada, March 15-18, 2012.



§  Co-host and co-organizer with Dr. Daniel Bryant, the 2013 Annual Conference of the American Oriental Society Western Branch (sponsored by the 番茄社区, Department of Pacific and Asian Studies, the Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives, and the American Oriental Society Western Branch), October 3-5, 2013, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.



§  Co-organizer with Professor Yin Jiang 蒋寅 (Academy of Social Science Studies, South China Normal University), the International Conference for the Study of Medieval Chinese Literature (sponsored by the South China Normal University), November 18-19, 2017, Guangzhou, China.





§  Lectures to South China Normal University華南師範大學, Nov 11-12, 2019


Topic 1: “A New Methodology Approach to the Textual Investigation: Examining the Poetic Writing of Huang Zuxian 黃遵憲 (1848-1905) through the Linked Jades of San Francisco (Jinshan Lianyu 金山聯玉)” 文獻考據方法學上的一個想法—以黃遵憲美國詩歌是否是美國任職時所作為例. Nov 11, 2019


Topic 2: “Qing Poetic Narrative and the Literary Movement in late Qing.” 清朝詩歌敘事與晚清文學的演變, Nov 12, 2019


§  Lecture to Sun Yat-sen University 中山大學, China, Nov 14, 2019


Topic: “From Tradition to Modernity: Poetic transition and Literary Movement from Eighteenth to Early Republican China” 從古典走向現代—從詩歌角度重新思考十八世紀到民初的文學演變


§  Lecture to Guangzhou University 廣州大學, Nov 15, 2019


Topic: “From Tradition to Modernity: Poetic Transition and the Literary Movement in Late Qing” 從古典走向現代—從詩歌敘事看晚清文學演變


§  Lecture to Fudan University 復旦大學, Nov 19, 2019


Topic: “From Tradition to Modernity: Poetic Transition from 18th to Early 20th Century China” 從古典走向現代—從詩歌角度重新思考十八世紀到二十世紀早期的文學演變


§  Lectures to South China Normal University華南師範大學, May 9 & 10, 2018


Topic 1: “From Tradition to Modernity: Poetic Transition from 18th to Early 20th Century China” 從古典走向現代—從詩歌角度重新思考十八世紀到二十世紀早期的文學演變, May 9, 2018


Topic 2: “Research Methodology in the Studies of Classical Chinese Literature” 中國古典文學研究方法座談, May 10, 2018


§  Lectures to Nanjing University 南京大學, May 19-24, 2018


Topic 1: “Revisit Tang Poetic Tradition through a Narrative Perspective” 唐朝詩歌的敘事概念, May 21, 2018


Topic 2: “Reading Classical Chinese literature through Modern Text Analysis Theory” 文本分析與古典文學的讀法與詮釋, May 23, 2018


Topic 3: “A New Methodology Approach to the Textual Investigation: Examining the Poetic Writing of Huang Zuxian 黃遵憲 (1848-1905) through the Linked Jades of San Francisco (Jinshan Lianyu 金山聯玉)” 文獻考據方法學上的一個想法—以黃遵憲美國詩歌是否是美國任職時所作為例, May 24, 2018


§  Lecture to Anhui Normal University安徽師範大學, May 25, 2018


Topic: “From Tradition to Modernity: Poetic Transition from 18th to Early 20th Century China” 從古典走向現代—從詩歌角度重新思考十八世紀到二十世紀早期的文學演變


§  Lecture to Wuhan University武漢大學, May 29, 2018


Topic: “From Tradition to Modernity: Poetic Transition from 18th to Early 20th Century China” 從古典走向現代—從詩歌角度重新思考十八世紀到二十世紀早期的文學演變


§  Lectures to Shanghai University 上海大學, October 22, 2018


Topic: “Qing Poetic Narrative and the Literary Movement in late Qing.” 清朝詩歌敘事與晚清文學的演變


§  Lecture to Nanjing University南京大學, China, July 3, 2017:


     Topic: “From Tradition to Modernity: Poetic Transition from 18th to Early

     20th Century China” 從古典走向現代—從詩歌角度重新思考十八世紀到   



§  Lecture to Nanjing University 南京大學, August 25, 2015:


Topic: “European Narratology and Narrative Tradition of Tang Poetry” 西方 



§  Eight Lectures to Shanghai Theatre Academy 上海戲劇學院, April 20-29, 2015:


Topic 1: “European Narratology and Study of Chinese Poetry” 西方敘事學與古代詩歌的敘事傳統研究


Topic 2: “Book of Songs and the Origin of Chinese Poetic Narrative Tradition” 詩經與中國詩歌敘事傳統的起源


Topic 3: “Early Development of Chinese Poetic Narrative Tradition in Later Han through the Six Dynasties: Music Bureau Poetry” 中國詩歌敘事傳統的早期發展:從東漢到六朝「樂府詩」的敘事傳統


Topic 4: “Early Development of Chinese Poetic Narrative Tradition in Later Han through the Six Dynasties: Ancient-Style Poetry” 中國詩歌敘事傳統的早期發展:從東漢到六朝「古詩」的敘事傳統


Topic 5: “Tradition of Narrative in Tang Modern-Style Poetry” 唐代近體詩的敘事傳統


Topic 6: “Tradition of Narrative in Tang Ancient-Style and Music Bureau Poetry” 唐代古詩與樂府詩的敘事傳統


Topic 7: “Poetic Narrative Tradition in Late Imperial China” 明清時期的敘事傳統


Topic 8: “Tradition of Narrative in Poetry of Knight-errantry” 詩歌俠客的敘事傳統


§  Lecture to Nanjing University 南京大學, April 22, 2014


Topic: “The Tradition of the Knight-errantry in Classical Chinese Poetry.” 古代詩歌中的俠客敘事


§  Lecture to Fudan University 復旦大學, April 24, 2014


Topic: “The Knight-errantry in Poetry of Seventh to Tenth Century China.”



§  Lecture to Academia Sinica, Taipei 台灣中研院, Taiwan, May 1, 2014.


Topic: “Female Knight-errantry in Qing (1644-1911) Poetry.” 清詩的女俠傳