
Dr. Susan Lewis Hammond

Dr. Susan Lewis Hammond
Fine Arts Dean; Professor
School of Music
Office: MAC B116

PhD (Princeton)

Area of expertise

The madrigal; Music printing and publishing; Court culture; Music and urban life in early modern Europe

Dr. Susan Lewis Hammond's research interests include baroque music, Claudio Monteverdi, madrigals, music printing and publishing, court culture, and music and urban life in Early Modern Europe. Her work is enriched by the perspectives of genre studies, cultural history, print culture, and reception histories. Her research has taken her to a host of libraries and archives in England, Denmark, Germany, and Belgium. Alongside her research on the musical life of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Europe, she has advised graduate projects on early music and later topics, ranging from Canadian orchestral music to bass patterns in Vivaldi concertos. Dr. Lewis Hammond also holds an Insight Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2012–16) that funds her study of Claudio Monteverdi, a project that will culminate of Claudio Monteverdi: A Research and Information Guide (Routledge Music Bibliographies). See more about her research in the video below:



Dr. Susan Lewis Hammond speaks about her research.