
Graduate Student Research

All completed MA and PhD theses from 2008 on can be found in the History Department's in the library.

PhD and MA degrees completed 2010 - present



Author and Thesis Title


Dippel, Ben, MA,

Penny Bryden

Goldstein, Abby, MA,

Serhy Yekelchyk

Lang, Dave, MA,

John Lutz

Romano, Abby, MA,

Rachel Cleves

Russell, Christopher, MA,

Serhy Yekelchyk

Wilcock, Cory, MA,

Peter Cook

Zadravic, Eric, MA,

Kristin Semmens

Fontaine, Kristen, MA PUHI, Paper: Constructing Communities, Constructing Identities: The Public History of Saanich Commonwealth Place

Christine O'Bonsawin

Celli, Kristina, MA MRP, “There was hard work to be done and it was the women who led it”: Child Welfare Initiatives in Stó:lō Téméxw, 1980-1997.

Lynne Marks
Christine O'Bonsawin

Danais, Natasha, MA MRP, Clearances Continued: Local Perceptions of Tourism in the Scottish Highlands and Islands in the 19th century.

Kristin Semmens


Author and Thesis Title


Osborne, Carla, PhD,

Christine O'Bonsawin
Peter Cook

Surjan, Zsofia, PhD,

Andrea McKenzie

Zhou, Kefen, PhD,

Greg Blue
Lynne Marks

Drolet-Duguay, Mathieu, MA,

Serhy Yekelchyk

Fang, Francis, MA,

Rob Alexander

Goudarzi, Baktash, MA,

Serhy Yekelchyk

Hayes, Mateos, MA,

Serhy Yekelchyk

Petrie, Emilee, MA,

Peter Cook

Pihlak, Chris, MA,

Rachel Cleves

Schneider, Rachel, MA, CSPT,

Jason Colby

St Arnaud, Katherine, MA,

Tom Saunders

Watson, Morgan, MA,

Lynne Marks
Annalee Lepp

Good, Ireland, MA PUHI, Exhibit and Paper: "All the Hospitality If None of the Riches": Upper Class Society in 1930s Victoria B.C.

Kristin Semmens

Paquin, Nick, MA PUHI, Private website titled: "Police Complaints in BC"

Jordan Stanger-Ross

Humber, Caitlin, MRP, Intelligence, Intellectual Potential, and Intelligence Testing in Indigenous Education in Canada, c.1950s -1970s

Christine O'Bonsawin 

Reardon, Catherine, MRP, "Colony" But Not Colonized: How Early 1850 was Liminal Moment in Spatial Definition between Indigenous Territory and Colonial "Victoria"

Peter Cook


Author and Thesis Title


Lyall, Gordon, PhD,

Jason Colby

Flechl, Katy, MA,

Rachel Cleves

Hayes, Nathaniel, MA,

Jordan Stanger-Ross

Lessard, Kelsey, MA,

Elizabeth Vibert

Mrozewski, Josephine (Jo), MA,

Penny Bryden

Pearce, Anne-Marie, MA,

Peter Cook

Tate, Dax, MA,

Jill Walshaw

Van Der Meer, Kästle, MA,

Kristin Semmens

Zec, Milan, MA,

Serhy Yekelchyk

Cho, Sung Hak, MA PUHI, How to Teach Historical Injustice in the Contemporary History of South Korea MRP and film prospectus documentary film about Chun Tae-il

Jordan Stanger-Ross

Hadley, Cassandra, MA PUHI, Emily Eden's Travels in India 1836-1842 - digital map link:  

Lynne Marks

Johnston, Jessie,MA PUHI, Performing Heritage: The Use of Performance in Public History Spaces

Kristin Semmens

McClure, Jacquelyn, MA PUHI, Exhibiting Emily - An exhibition catalogue and MRP which discusses change over time within the curation and exhibition history of Emily Carr's artwork.

Elizabeth Vibert

Richard, Aimee, MA PUHI, Whale Watching in the City

Jason Colby


Author and Thesis Title


Semmens, Justine, PhD,

Sara Beam

Cunningham, Timothy, MA CSPT,

Jason Colby

Eccelston, Allison, MA,

John Lutz

Greenup, Erica, MA,

Lynne Marks

Snidal, Michelle, MA,

Rachel Cleves

Strandlund, Tyson, MA CSPT,

Neilesh Bose

Archibald, William, MA PUHI, A Path Less Traveled: Lessons Learned Through My Journey in Public History

Wendy Wickwire

McGillivray, Liam, MA PUHI, History, Fiction and Fantasy: Fantasy Literature’s Contribution to Historical Understanding - Fantasy Short Stories on World War Two

Tom Saunders

Sgromo, Francesca, MA PUHI, Dishing on Food Scholarship: A historiographical analysis of the way food has been analyzed in different fields. Includes film titled: Let's Talk About Food (History) TV

Elizabeth Vibert

deMontmorency, Chantelle, MRP, “A Satanic Mockery of Womanhood” : Representations of Female Sexuality in Nazi-Era Magazines 

Tom Saunders

Fleischhaccker, Christian, MRP, Louis Douglas, Re-Fashioning Black America during the German Jazz Age. The Position of Black Performers in the Entertainment Industry of the Weimar Republic 

Tom Saunders

van Es, Joshua , MRP, How the Other Half Lives: Moral Environmentalism, Slums, and the World War Two Dispossession of Japanese Canadians

Jordan Stanger-Ross

Weicker, Christopher , MRP, Secret Warriors in the Pacific War: Chinese Canadians and the Special Operations Executive, 1944-45 

Zhongping Chen


Author and Thesis Title


Kuo, Yen-Kuang, PhD,

Zhongping Chen 

Vogt, David, PhD,

John Lutz 

Antoniazzi, Taylor, MA,  

Lynne Marks 

Ballin, Jonathan, MA,

Martin Bunton 

Dumont, Robert, MA,

Oliver Schmidtke 

Fitzgerald, Kyla, MA,

John Price/Lynne Marks

Forest-Hammond, Elise, MA,  

John Lutz 

Gentz, Fred, MA,

Guoguang Wu 

Huijsmans, Matthew, MA,

Neilesh Bose 

Johnston, Andrew, MA,

David Zimmerman

King, Georgia, MA CSPT,

Lynne Marks 

MacPherson, Sean, MA,  

John Lutz 

Ramprashad, Oakley, MA,  

Jordan Stanger-Ross 

Reid, Darren, MA,  

Elizabeth Vibert 

Taekema, Sarah, MA,  

John Lutz 

Thombs, Paige, MA CSPT,  

Lynne Marks 

Youmans, Gregory, MA,  

David Zimmerman 

Abma, Elyse, MA PUHI, Anatomy of an Episode: A Historiography of Public History, Podcasting Oral Histories, and the Importance of Storytelling 

Jordan Stanger-Ross 

Hughes, Katie, MA PUHI, "To Fish as Formerly" - Reef Net Fisheries Exhibition at Legacy Gallery 

John Lutz 

Moffatt, Aidan, MA PUHI, From the Wild West to the Western Front: The Role of Military Service in Western Canadian Cultural Remembrance 

Brian McKercher 

Worthing, Jeannine, MA PUHI, “They Have Proved Themselves to Be Men”: Canadian Soldiers and the Embodiment of Manhood in the First World War 

Kristin Semmens 

Croutch, Samuel, MA PUHI, The House of Commons, English Subjects in the French Service and Foreign Policy in Restoration England 

Andrea McKenzie 

Rajendran, Janeththa, MA PUHI, Bimaadiziwin (Working Towards the Good Life): How Restoule V. Canada (2018) Reinvigorated the Historical and Ongoing Nature of Legal Pluralism in Canada

Penny Bryden


Author and Thesis Title


Kempling, James, PhD,

David Zimmerman

Davey, James, MA,

Richard Rajala
Kara Shaw

Han, Liang, MA, Chinese Religious Life in Victoria, BC, 1858-1930

Lynne Marks

Huang, Hairong, MA,

Zhongping Chen

Kelly, Eoin, MA,

Eric Sager

Koehn, Drew. MA CSPT,

Lynne Marks
Greg Blue

Lundeberg, Faelan, MA,

Elizabeth Vibert

Lynch, David, MA,

John Lutz

Mowatt, Gina, MA,

Elizabeth Vibert

Clark, Kelly, MA PUHI, “Atom and Eve on the Silver Screen” and documentary film titled

Jason Colby

Fuhrman, Sydney, MA PUHI, "Propaganda of the “People’s War”: The History and Presentation of British Domestic Propaganda of World War II"

Mariel Grant

Holder, Samantha, MA PUHI,

Andrea McKenzie

Levine, Jill, MA PUHI, “The Chinese Nation in Miniature”: Constructions of Chineseness in America’s Museums and World’s Fairs (1829-1915)

Zhongping Chen

Lu, Wenjuan, MA PUHI, "Jewish-Indigenous Relations in Victoria, 1858-1912"

Lynne Marks
Kathryn Bridge

Russell, Pia, MA PUHI, "Whose History? A Reconnaissance of British Columbia’s First Fifty Years of History Textbooks, 1871-1921"

Lynne Marks 

Ruston, Nate, MA MRP, “There are people in all walks of life who are using this substance…”: Drugs, Discourse, and the Student Counterculture at the Le Dain Commission, 1969-70

Penny Bryden


Author and Thesis Title


Bashir, Kamran, PhD,

Deryl Maclean
Neilesh Bose

Fielding, Stephen, PhD,

Jordan Stanger-Ross

Hunfeld, Christa, PhD,

Andrea McKenzie

Murray, Derek, PhD,

Eric Sager

Bullman, Kalin, MA,

Christine O'Bonsawin

Cameron, Max, MA,

Robert Alexander

Deacon, Deborah, MA,

Simon Devereaux

Freeman-Orr, Chandler, MA,

Jill Walshaw

Glover, Alexie, MA,

Rachel Cleves

Griffin, Isobel, MA,

Jason Colby

Lidstone, Mike, MA,

Mitch Lewis Hammond

Mercier, Courtenay, MA,

Andrea McKenzie

Miller, Noah, MA,

Simon Devereaux

Petrov, Dmitry, MA,

Zhongping Chen

Sherman, Jake, MA,

Jason Colby

Williamson, Shaun, MA CSPT,

Jordan Stanger-Ross

Gilbert, Catherine, MA PUHI, "A Long Time Coming: Safeguarding Wilderness in Strathcona Provincial Park."

Richard Rajala

Hogan, Alison, MA MRP, Ireland: Nationalist Ideology on the Road to Independence 1912-1921.

Simon Devereaux

Bristow, Julia, MA MRP, “Muslim Immigrants in Canada: Linking and Legitimizing Identity and Security.” 

Jordan Stanger-Ross

Kostrich, Adam, MA MRP, “The Imperial Species: Masculinity & Necropolitics in Frank Buck’s Fiction.” 

Jason Colby

Russell, Kaitlin, MA MRP, “Voices of Dissent: Print Media Discourse of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, 1986-2001.”

Lynne Marks

Wiltshire Sal, MA MRP, “I’m as Big a Gun Among the Men as Any of ‘Em”: Female Masculinity in the Nineteenth-Century American West. 

Rachel Cleves


Author and Thesis Title


Falconer, Thirstan, PhD,

Penny Bryden

Harvey, Megan, PhD,

John Lutz

O'Shea, Iain, PhD,

David Zimmerman

Addie, Sean, MA,

Richard Rajala

Bozanich, Stevan, MA,

Serhy Yekelchyk

Buddenhagen, Jeremy, MA,

John Lutz

Butler, M. Blake, MA,

Jason Colby

Fabiani, Christina, MA CSPT,

Rachel Cleves
Steve Garlick

Fehr, Paige, MA,

Lynne Marks

Findlay, Kaitlin, MA,

Jordan Stanger-Ross

Gow, Ezekiel, MA,

Elizabeth Vibert

Hoskins, John (Jack), MA,

Guoguang Wu

Miskulin, Matthew, MA,

Serhy Yekelchyk

Smallshaw, Brian, MA,

John Price

Thiessen, Leroy, MA,

Eric Sager

Van Genderen, Kate, MA,

Rachel Cleves 

Golding, Lesley, MA PUHI, "Blacks in Fur Country: Black Participation in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth century British North American Fur Trade"

Elizabeth Vibert

Gunton, Tiffany, MA PUHI,  “Museum Learning in the Digital Age” 

Jordan Stanger-Ross

Topfer, Stephen, MA PUHI,

John Price

Liu, Yanshuo, MA MRP, “Canton and the Maritime Fur Trade: The Development of Early Transpacific Connections, 1770s--1820s.” 

Zhongping Chen

Trafford, John, MA MRP, “Defining History and Defending Tradition: The Tory Use of the History of the Hereditary Succession in the Exclusion Crisis, 1679-1681.” 

Andrea McKenzie


Author and Thesis Title


Olsen, Sylvia, PhD,

John Lutz

Van Vugt (Lebel), Sara, PhD,

Lynne Marks

Biagioni, Samuel, MA,

Jordan Stanger-Ross

Kort, Meghan, MA,

Sara Beam

Murray, Galen, MA,

Oliver Schmidtke

Posey, Daniel, MA,  

Richard Rajala

Seidel, Jennifer, MA,

Peter Cook

Trimble, Sabina, MA,

John Lutz

Weller, Jonathan, MA,

Richard Rajala

Cantarutti, Brent, MA MRP, “British Columbia’s High-Modernist Fallacy: The Columbia River Treaty Dams”. 

Penny Bryden


Author and Thesis Title


Bradley, Patrick, MA,

John Lutz

Chapco, Stephen, MA,

Jill Walshaw

Fitzgerald, Mickey, MA,

John Lutz

Hughes, Emma, MA,

Andrea McKenzie

McKee, Taylor, MA,

Christine O'Bonsawin

Trainor, Janet, MA,

Lynne Marks
Annalee Lepp

Bajric, Whitney, MA MRP, On Experiencing Place: A Biography of a Stó:lõ Family’s Fishing Site in the Fraser River Canyon in British Columbia

John Lutz

Brown, Sean, MA MRP, Homosexual Organizations, and Identity formation in Weimar Germany

Tom Saunders

Harry, Deryck, MA MRP, Redefining Treason in the Seventeenth Century: the Trials of Thomas Wentworth the Earl of Strafford, and William Howard the Viscount Stafford

Andrea McKenzie

Leriger de la Plante, Alexis, MA MRP, Identity! Nelvana and the Quest for Nationhood

Penny Bryden

Park, Evan, MA MRP, The Nationalist Fleet: Radical Nationalism and The Imperial German Navy before World War One

Perry Biddiscombe

Rzeplinski, Esther, MA MRP, “Although I’m just 12 I’m sure I could do a lot for you…”: Political Participation in Children’s Letters to Pierre Trudeau, March-May 1968

Jordan Stanger-Ross


Author and Thesis Title


Hilmy, Hanny, Phd,

Greg Blue

Thiessen, Wesley, Phd,

Andrew Rippin

Cunliffe, Sydney, MA,

Zhongping Chen

Gibbard, Judith, MA,

Lynne Marks

Hamilton, Sheila, MA,

Jason Colby

Karmel, Ezra, MA,

Martin Bunton

Kier, Gregory, MA,

David Zimmerman

Rundans, Valdis, MA,

Serhy Yekelchyk

Sawyer, Bonnie, MA,

Lynne Marks

Kempling, Annelise, MA MRP, Museums and the Future of Education: Best Practices for Developing and Facilitating Engaging Experiences with History for Children and Youth

John Lutz


Author and Thesis Title


Blanding, Lee, Phd,

Penny Bryden

Schoeber, Axel, Phd,

Sara Beam

Burton-Vulovic, Nicholas, MA,

Jason Colby

Chen, Dennis, MA,

Zhongping Chen

Fidler, Lacy, MA,

Simon Devereaux

Guenette, Salam, MA,

Robert Alexander

Ihmels, Melanie, MA,

Lynne Marks
Annalee Lepp

Lyall, Gordon, MA,

Eric Sager

Noddings, Timothy, MA,

Rachel Cleves

Ruch, Julie, MA,

Serhy Yekelchyk

Van Mulligen, Kiefer, MA,

Eric Sager

Bedard, Ella, MA MRP, "Bringing Home all that has Left": The Skulkayn/Stalo Heritage Project and the Stó:lō Cultural Revival

John Lutz

Kennedy, Helen, MA MRP, “Fearsome Limbo”: The Media’s Characterization of Psychological Trauma during the Conflict in Kosovo, 1998-1999

Mitch Lewis-Hammond

Keresztesi, Orion, MA MRP, "The Department of Indian Affairs Got a Hold of It": Interpreting DIA Records and the Surrender of Scowlitz Indian Reserve One

John Lutz

Smith, Bryan, MA MRP, Fusing Technological and Pedagogical Innovation - An Analysis of QR Codes as facilitators of Historical Thinking in Museums

John Lutz


Author and Thesis Title


Bridge, Kathryn, PhD,

Lynne Marks

Chira-Pascanut, Constantin, PhD, “

Oliver Schmidtke

Pasolli, Lisa, PhD,

Penny Bryden

Ainsley, Jill, MA,

Angus Mclaren

Clemo, Elizabeth, MA,

Elizabeth Vibert

Forseille, Ashley, MA,

Elizabeth Vibert
Lynne Marks

Hill, Elina, MA CSPT,

Wendy Wickwire

Hoffman, Martin, MA,

Martin Bunton

Johnston, Joshua, MA,

Tom Saunders

Kempling, James, MA,

David Zimmerman

Logan, Matthew, MA,   

Jason Colby

Madsen, Kim, MA,

Perry Biddiscombe

Richards, Tylor, MA,

John Lutz

Richdale, Ryan, MA,

David Zimmerman

Sellers, Marki, MA,

Lynne Marks
John Lutz

Souidan, Racan, MA,

John Lutz

Clinton-Baker, Ben, MA MRP, Reverend C. M. Tate and the Campaign for “Indian Rights” in British Columbia, 1909-16

Wendy Wickwire

Conway, Rachel, MA MRP, "Reservations to Citizenship: The Voting Rights of Status Indians, 1950-1960"

Penny Bryden

Craib, Patrick, MA MRP, “Contracting the Coast: Rationalization and Flexibility in the BC Coastal Logging Industry, 1930-1990”

Richard Rajala

Reid, Andrew, MA MRP, Not So Secret Societies: Fraternities and Masculine Identity in Victorian Victoria 1860-1890

Eric Sager


Author and Thesis Title


Eidinger, Andrea, PhD,

Lynne Marks

Nantais, Simon, PhD,

John Price

Reid, Heather, PhD INTD,

Andrew Rippin/Kathryn Kerby-Fulton (Eng)

Bowe, Meghan, MA,

Oliver Schmidtke

Charlie, Lianne, MA,

Wendy Wickwire

Corbeil, Patrick, MA,

Paul Wood

Hough, Adam, MA,

Mitch Lewis Hammond

Johnson, Carlee, MA,

Jason Colby

Kuncewicz, Lisa, MA,

Sara Beam

Miro, Jacopo, MA,

Jordan Stanger-Ross

Timmons, Daniel (DJ), MA,

John Price

Trewin, Meaghan, MA,

Sara Beam

Yeo, Walter, MA,

Mariel Grant

Copage, Caitlin, MA MRP, The Violence of Innocents: Children in the Wars of Religion in France

Sara Beam

Gower, Katrina, MA MRP, Outcast and Ungrievable: A Historical Account of the Negation of Romani Civil Rights in Germany

Oliver Schmidtke

MacLeod, Bryan, MA MRP, Something to Declare: Customs and Border Policy in Canada 1990-2011

Penny Bryden

O'Reilly, Liam, MA MRP, “Missionaries and Women in Victoria’s Chinatown: The Establishment and Evolution of the Chinese Rescue Home, 1886-1900”

Zhongping Chen

Rasmi, Adam, MA MRP, Colonialism, Cotton, Khedives and Cadastres: British Efforts to Survey the Lands of ‘Egypt,’ 1878-1907

Martin Bunton


Author and Thesis Title


Gordon, Hugh, PhD,

David Zimmerman

Ayers, Amber, MA,

Martin Bunton

Chapman, Matthew, MA,

David Zimmerman

Dove, Stephen, MA,

Mitch Lewis Hammond

Drury, Devon, MA,

John Lutz

Erickson, Bailey, MA,

Tom Saunders

Harrison, Stephen, MA, The Alternative Vote in British Columbia: Values Debates and Party Politics

Penny Bryden

Horosko, Kendra, MA,

Lynne Marks

Hunfeld, Christa, MA,

Andrea McKenzie

Jervis, Michael, MA,

Peter Baskerville

Morris, Samantha, MA,

Rick Rajala

Ono-George, Meleisa, MA,

Elizabeth Vibert

Robbins, Margaret, MA,

John Lutz

Robitaille, Mathieu, MA,

Rob Alexander

Adams, Neil, MA MRP, Maple Leaf Wonders’: the N.R.M.A. Service During the Second World War

David Zimmerman

Fraser, Crystal, MA MRP, Cultural Perplexities: Non-Aboriginal Representations of Dene Women In the Late Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Elizabeth Vibert

Groves, Nick, MA MRP, For God, For Country and for Himself: the Representations of Masculinity in the Clubmen Movements in Worcestershire, Dorset and Wiltshire during the English Civil War

Andrea McKenzie

Loveless, Cameron, MA MRP, Nazi Ideology, the German Christian Movement, and British Military Government Action against the Movement after 1945

Perry Biddiscombe

Matthewson, Amy, MA MRP, Sporty, Sexy and Sage: Visual Representations and Social Expectations of Urban Women in China's Late Republican Era

Greg Blue

Wong, Joyce, MA MRP, (Un)Satisfying Stories: The Relationship between Narrative Form and Social Commentary in Weimar Historical Films

Tom Saunders