
Dr. Pablo Restrepo Gautier

Dr. Pablo Restrepo Gautier
Associate Professor, Graduate Advisor
Office: CLE C248


Area of expertise

Spanish literature and culture, the Spanish in the North Pacific during the 18th-century.

Research Profile

My academic journey has been a fascinating exploration of Spanish culture and history, spanning centuries and continents. I began my research career immersed in the rich cultural landscape of 17th-century Spain, focusing on the emblem - a key to understanding the Baroque mindset. This work culminated in my book, La imaginación emblemática en el drama de Tirso de Molina (Juan de la Cuesta, 2001), which explores the intricate relationship between emblems and theatre. My article on the 18th-century romance “El casamiento entre dos damas” appeared in Bodies beyond Labels (University of Toronto Press, 2024).  I have also published on Cervantes, Calderón, and 20th-century Spanish and Colombian literature. In recent years, my research has taken an exciting new direction, investigating the Spanish presence on the northwest coast of North America between 1774 and 1796. I have studied the Nootka Incident of 1789, which took place in Mowachaht territory at Yuquot in Nootka Sound and nearly sparked a war between Great Britain and Spain over territorial claims in the region. An annotated translation of Captain Esteban José Martínez’s diary of his navigation to Nootka in 1789, which I undertook with Robin Inglis - a dear colleague and esteemed historian who sadly passed away – has been submitted for publication. Robin's contributions to this project were invaluable, and his passion for uncovering the rich history of the Pacific Northwest will be deeply missed. I currently continue my work on the Spanish presence at Yuquot, examining letters written from Nootka and to Nootka in the late 18th-century.

Principal Teaching Areas

Spanish literature and culture, language, and translation.

Selected Publications


  • La imaginación emblemática en el drama de Tirso de Molina (Juan de la Cuesta, 2001).

Articles and book chapters

  • "Más allá de la inversión paródica: la crítica del género de capa y espada y del drama del honor en el entremés de El marión de Quevedo." La Perinola: revista anual de investigación quevediana 17 (2013): 137-153.   
  • Ovid's Hermaphroditus and Intersexuality in Early Modern Spain." Ovid in the Age of Cervantes. Ed. Frederick A. de Armas. Toronto: U of Toronto Press, 2010, 191-200.
  • "Mediadoras y la pérdida de la memoria histórica en La piel del tambor de Arturo Pérez-Reverte." Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 32.1 (2007).
  • "Lo sublime y el caos urbano: Visiones apocalípticas de Medellín en La Virgen de los Sicarios de Fernando Vallejo." Chasqui: Revista de literatura latinoamericana 33.1 (2004): 96-105.
  • "Mujeres varoniles y masculinidades en La mujer por fuerza y Don Gil de las calzas verdes de Tirso de Molina." Ramillete de los gustos: Burlas y versa en Tirso de Molina. Ed. Ignacio Arellano. Madrid: Fundación Instituto Castellano y Leonés de la lengua, 2005. 373-85.
  • "'Tanto crece el amor cuanto la pecunia crece:' la asociación del amor y el dinero en La pícara Justina." Hispanic Journal 24.1-2 (2003): 331-44.
  • "El amor monstruo en Las novias inmóviles de Pilar Pedraza." Monstruosidad y transgresión en la cultura hispánica. Ed. R.de la Fuente y Jesús Pérez Magallón. Universita Castellaes: Valladolid, Spain, 2003. 259-268.
  • "Risa y género en los entremeses de mariones de Francisco de Quevedo y de Luis Quiñones de Benavente."  Bulletin of the Comediantes 50.2 (1998): 331-44.
  • " 'Y Así a todos os recibo a prueba': risa e ideología en El juez de los divorcios de Cervantes." Anales Cervantinos 32 (1994): 221-39.