
Declaring Your Major

Athenian stele, Kerameikos Museum, Athens.
Athenian stele, Kerameikos Museum, Athens.

Declaring a major in GRS is easy, and you can even do it from your computer at home or in the library, or even from your smartphone! Academic Advising provides a detailed description for declaring a program.  Here is a simplified step-by-step guide to declaring your program, after completing at least 12 units of coursework:

  1. Go to your MyPage.
  2. Click on the “Grades & Records” Tab.
  3. Click on “Program declaration or change".

You can also visit the UVic Advising Centre and get help and guidance from one of the advisers there.

If you are interested in learning more about the exciting opportunities available to you as a member of the GRS community, please arrange a chat with your instructor, or contact our Undergraduate Advisor, Dr. Alejandro Sinner at grsugadviser@uvic.ca.

The GRS department has several donor awards available to declared majors and minors!