
Dr. Raymond Siemens

Dr. Raymond Siemens
Distinguished Professor
Office: CLE C315

BA (Waterloo), MA (Alberta), PhD (UBC)

Area of expertise

Renaissance literature; textual culture; editorial theory; Humanities Computing

Ray Siemens is Distinguished Professor and his research interests are in early Tudor poetry and Renaissance literature, digital humanities, book history, scholarly editing, pedagogy, and scholarly communication. 

Siemens directs the , the , and the .  See his video.  He has served as Chair of the international , Vice-President / Director (Research Dissemination) of the , President (English) of the , Chair of the Modern Language Association (MLA) Committee on Scholarly Editions and of its Committee on Information Technology; he currently serves on SSHRC Council.

In 2014, Siemens received the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations for outstanding accomplishment; in 2009, he received the U Victoria Humanities Award for Research Excellence and, from U Waterloo, the Arts in Academics Alumni Achievement award. His research has been supported by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, the Social Science and Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the Killam Trust, the Canada Research Chairs program, the MITACS program, the Mellon Foundation, and others.

Further information and details available by request, and publication information also via his . Details of INKE Research Group publication and presentation available via these sites [] [2020-  |  | ]