
Dr. Cynthia Spada

Dr. Cynthia Spada
Continuing Sessional Instructor
Academic and Technical Writing Program

PhD and MA (University of California, Berkeley), BA (Amherst College)

Area of expertise

ATWP 135

Born in Boston, I earned my PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of California, Berkeley, focusing on 20th-century prose and theater in English and Japanese. I’ve taught academic writing, creative writing, and literature in the United States and Japan and conducted field research in Poland on a Fulbright grant. Currently, I teach undergraduate and graduate writing and literature courses at the 番茄社区 and Royal Roads University. I’m also the author of one novel (The Floating World/Ballantine) and one academic monograph (The Demimonde in Japanese Literature/Cambria Press). I've written short stories, creative nonfiction, literary criticism, and humor for many print and online publications, including The Mississippi ReviewMichigan Quarterly Review, Salon, Electric Literature, The Conversation, Prairie Fire, Room, The Antigonish Review, Witness, and storySouth. Prairie Fire recently chose me as one of their 50 Canadian Writers Over 50.