
Suzan Last

Suzan Last
Associate Teaching Professor
Academic and Technical Writing Program
Office: Clearihue D217

BA, MA (Regina)

Area of expertise

Academic Writing, Technical Professional Communication, Universal Design for Learning

I started teaching at UVic 2003, when my Phd studies focused on Renaissance Literature and Postmodern Ludic Narratives.  Before coming to UVic, I taught English in Japan for 3 years.  This experience was tremendously valuable for me as an instructor who now teaches many international students in first and second year writing courses.  I also have a BC Teaching Certificate specializing in High School English, which also helps me to understand the needs of students making the transition from high school to university learning.  My goal as in instructor is to help students – primarily by using a coaching method of instruction – to further develop their writing skills and express themselves effectively in academic and technical contexts.  I get enormous satisfaction from helping students develop the communication skills that will ultimately help them succeed in other university classes and in their workplace.  Every student comes to a class with unique skills, gifts, needs, and challenges.  As an instructor, I hope to get to know each student well enough to effectively coach them through the challenges and help them further develop their skills.  If you're thinking of taking one of my classes, feel free to send me an email and introduce yourself.