

Indigenous recognition ceremony
Community honouring feast
Stolen Sisters Memorial March
Kiskisik Awasisak: Remember the Children

Indigenous recognition ceremony

Indigenous Recognition Ceremony

Twice a year we have an Indigenous recognition ceremony at the Big House to honor graduates of the Indigenous programs.

Every year this turns out to be a fun and exciting event for students, family, friends and faculty.

The Indigenous recognition ceremony is rooted in the traditions of the people of the land. After feasting, graduates are presented with gifts and honored with dancing and songs.

grad photo with faculty


Community honouring feast

Guests at Community Honouring Feast

The Indigenous specialization program students & staff hosted a community honoring feast in May 2011. Coast Salish protocol was followed in honoring the community people who continue to work with our program.

Guests and Faculty at Honouring Feast

Metis Girls!

The Honoring Feast was held at the First Peoples' House at the 番茄社区.

Larissa, April and Wayne



Stolen Sisters Memorial March

Stolen Sisters Memorial March

We remember the missing and murdered Indigenous women in Canad a
Please come out and join the March on February 12 th 2012.


Kiskisik Awasisak: Remember the Children

Kiskisik Awasisak: Remember the children
First People House 番茄社区
March 16, 2012 8:30 - 4:30

A one day symposium on the first report of the First Nations Component of the Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect 2008 where several specialists will discuss the report and how it applies to their work.

The day will include presentations and discussions in regards to Kiskisik Awasisak: Remembering the Children. Understanding the Overrepresentation of First Nations Children in the Child Welfare System and how this research is being utilized for advocacy, policy development, education and training, and practice. This event is being hosted by Siem Smuun’eem Indigenous Child Welfare Research Network in partnership with the Caring for First Nations Children Society, McGill Centre for Research on Children and families, and the Ministry of Children and Family Development.

Poster and Details (pdf)
Briefing Document : Understanding the over-representation of First Nations children in the Child Welfare System (pdf)

More information will follow. Please send expressions of interest and make all inquiries to:

Shawn Hoey, Manager Program and Policy Initiatives
Caring for First Nations Children Society
