
Julia Pearson

Julia Pearson
Special Projects, Office of the Chief Medical Information Office, Vancouver Island Health Authority

Health Information Science - BSc (2011)

Julia Pearson is a graduate alumna with a BSc in Health Information Science (HINF).  Julia was introduced to the program by her high school Computer Science teacher. During her last year of high school, she attended a HINF Open House event. She and was fascinated with the program because it combined her interests in technology and human biology and is a field where she could make a difference in people’s lives.

"There are so many technological innovations that can be applied to or furthered in health care and I look forward to seeing how that manifests - from artificial intelligence, to augmented reality, to clinical decisions support, to pharmacogenomics and its integration with the EHR, and to many more innovations not yet imagined - the future has great promise for advancements that improve the lives and health of patients."

Through the program, Pearson learned fundamental content and concepts in health care, technology and business. As a teacher, she applies her knowledge and experience in the classroom. Making a difference every day is a powerful motivator for Julia. Electronic Health Records impact many patients, providers, clinicians, and staff. Working collaboratively has a direct impact on the health and wellness of our communities.

Ultimately, we are all patients, and knowing what we do may one day impact ourselves, or our loved ones, when we are most vulnerable makes this especially poignant.

Julia strongly recommends students participate in the UVic Co-op program because it prepares them for academic and professional success. Working in a team, running an effective meeting, and resolving conflict are all examples of the competencies developed through the experiential learning component of Co-op. Julia also suggests students to connect with industry professionals as she is grateful for the fantastic mentors who guided her along her career path.