
Vanessa Kinch

Vanessa Kinch
Regional Manager, Clinical Informatics, Northern Health Authority

Master of Nursing & MSc in Health Informatics - (2017)

Vanessa Kinch, one of , graduated from the Double Degree program leading to a Masters of Nursing and MSc in Health Informatics. Vanessa, a Regional Manager in Clinical Informatics for the Northern Health Authority, recalls:

My double Master’s in Nursing and HINF gave me my first opportunity as a graduate student in Northern Health. This co-op position allowed me to be mentored by great professionals over the years. My education prepared me to understand most of the critical concepts of my profession and to be able to see opportunities to make practical and tangible changes to the way we use technology to support health in our organization. The dual degree allowed me to combine the skills and knowledge of both professions in a way that has served me well in creating change in Northern Health.