
Rav Goodison

Rav Goodison
Senior Project Manager

Health Informatics - MSc (2018)

Rav Goodison, Health Information Science (HINF) MSc alumni and current PhD in Health Informatics (HINF) student shares her experience for improving health care.   

With COVID 19 restrictions in place, family visits at hospitals became limited. Rav Goodison who is a Senior Project Manager (working with a lower mainland health authorityHealth Informatics and Information Technology department) saw an opportunity to lend a helping hand. 

Rav explains, “During COVID 19 it was important to look beyond regular roles and roll up our sleeves to help where we could to support our health care providers and patients.  Providing access to technology was critical in providing health care at a distance, taking care of health care providers and connecting patients with their families.  I went to a hospital to install iPads in the ICU and COVID units, observing the necessity of human connection and using technology to ease the distress of not being able to comfort sick family members in person. This single experience strengthened my belief in my chosen career path of health informatics and how important technology can be in supporting our front line workers.  It validated by absolute dedication and commitment to the field of health informatics.” 

Rav managed the iPads process to ensure that everyone who needed these devices could access them for communicating with their loved ones.  It was important for health care providers to limit cumulative exposure to COVID patients and allow patients in critical conditions to connect with their families and friends. Rav continues, “Delivering those devices so patients have an interaction with family was simply a human act.  Everyone has a duty to support our front line workers.”  

Rav highlights the importance of health informatics and knowing how to apply it. The rise of health information science is rapidly changing and improving healthcare. Our alumni help provide technical solutions to support clinical workflows, improve clinical decision-making and design and deploy technologies to empower health care providers and patients. From her studies in Health Information Science, Rav has put what she has learned into practice. Rav has used many of these theories and methods to improve project delivery and provide end users with effective solutions. Additionally, Rav implements new technical solutions and access to technologies, provides best practice project methodologies, and is currently deploying Microsoft Teams to improve the virtual collaboration experience with so many needing access to remote services.  

These experiences furthered her conviction to follow through with the important research of improving the way people in the field deliver informatics projects in health organizations