
Rachel Fellner

Rachel  Fellner
Works with the Office of the Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO)
Island Health

Health Information Science - BSc (2016)

Rachel Fellner has always been passionate about healthcare and making a positive impact in her community. Rachel came to the 番茄社区 initially studying general sciences, but was later introduced to the Health Informatics program through a Computer Science course she took. Rachel decided to pursue a BSc in Health Information Science (HINF) as it combined her interests in healthcare and technology.

While Rachel found everything she learned throughout the program to be relevant to jobs within the industry, she discovered that co-ops offered the most valuable skills and experiences. During her co-op work terms, she was able to practically apply the skills she was learning throughout her coursework while also gaining a deeper understanding of the concepts and ideas she was learning, which served as a benefit back in the classroom. Additionally, during her first co-op with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto, Rachel discovered her interests in change management, project management, and clinical processes.

Recently, Rachel has worked within a rural health centre in Northern Ghana, where she led the implementation of a Community Electronic Medical Record system. This experience showed her just how applicable the skills she learned throughout her program are, as well as how far a degree in Health Information Science can take you. Rachel currently works with the Office of the Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO) at Island Health. She looks forward to the opportunities this role will provide her to enact both positive and sustainable changes to improve the quality of care offered at Island Health.