
Our faculty

Mandeep Kaur Mucina

Director, Associate Professor
School of Child and Youth Care

Research interests: family violence, gender-based violence, critical migration studies, South Asian feminisms, anti-racism, intersectionality research, life history research, action-based research, critical diaspora studies.

Alison Gerlach

Associate Director, Associate Professor
School of Child and Youth Care

Research Interests: Advancing equity-oriented policy, organizational, practice changes in early years and childhood dis/ability sectors so they are inclusive of and responsive to structurally marginalized communities, families and children. Principle-based and relational approaches including cultural safety and trauma- and violence-informed care. Critical, relational, and intersectional theorizing, mixed methods; community-engaged and participatory research.

Sandrina Carere

School of Child and Youth Care, Faculty of Human and Social Development

Research Interests: Participatory, action-oriented, arts-based research and practice, Child-, youth- and community-led research and practice, Intersectional, anti-colonial, land-based frameworks, Critical girlhood, youth and feminist studies, Child welfare, foster care, kinship care

Study Leave
Kristen Cheney

School of Child and Youth Care
Research areas: orphans/orphanhood, intercountry adoption, child institutionalization, youth with lived experience of care; humanitarianism, international child protection regimes, political economy of childhood and international development; adolescent/youth sexual and reproductive health and rights, children and assisted reproductive technologies; decolonizing and participatory research methods
On Leave
Office: HSD B102b
Nicholas XEMŦOLTW̱  Claxton

Assistant Professor
School of Child and Youth Care
Research interests: Indigenous Education, Indigenous Knowledge, Indigenous Research Methodologies, Indigenous Governance, Indigenous Resurgence, Land-Based Learning, Experiential Learning; Community Engaged Research
Office: HSD B140
Samantha  Corrington

Assistant Teaching Professor
School of Child and Youth Care
Office: HSD B132
Shemine Gulamhusein

Assistant Professor
School of Child and Youth Care
Research interests: Exploring Muslim migration stories of belonging and identity; lived experiences of marginalized and minoritized people and communities; therapeutic recreational practices in community spaces; outdoor and solution-focused therapies; global perspectives of child, youth, family, and community research and practices; (auto)ethnographic methods; narrative inquiry; and community-arts-based methodologies.
Doris Kakuru

Professor / Graduate Advisor
School of Child and Youth Care
My research interests include: Violence in childhood with a focus on sexual violence in schools; Girlhood and gendered children’s rights; Adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights; Children and youth in urban poverty; Social context of education and child labour.
Office: B130
Shanne McCaffrey

Teaching Professor
School of Child and Youth Care

Interests include:  Land and Water based learning, teaching, and interconnectedness, Child Welfare, colonialism as a shared experience, environmental nurturing, preservation and activism, and sharing the land with non-human relatives.

LJ Slovin

Assistant Professor
School of Child and Youth Care
Research interestsQueer and trans youth, ethnography, sexual health education, popular culture, qualitative methodologies
Starting January, 2025
Jeff Smith

Assistant Teaching Professor
School of Child and Youth Care
Research interestsIndigenous education (e.g., program evaluation in rural schools integrating Indigenous education); Institutional pedagogy; conciliation and reconciliation; settler colonial studies;  arts-based research; discourse analysis and ethnomethodology of counselling therapy; decolonization of counselling therapy; music therapy; mental health and well-being;
Jennifer H. White

School of Child and Youth Care

Research interests: Youth suicide prevention; ethics; discourses of professionalism; constructionist methodologies; collaborative research; narrative practices; professional development; praxis; pedagogy

Study Leave
Jin-Sun Yoon

Teaching Professor
School of Child and Youth Care
Research interests: intersectional diversity training, cultural identity development, racialized settler/Indigenous relations.