
Adjunct Faculty

Name Area
Jeffrey Ansloos
PhD (Fuller), Adjunct assistant professor
  • Suicide and suicide prevention
  • Indigenous health
  • Social policy
  • Community-based and systems-level change processes needed to advance social and health equity within Canada, with a particular focus on Indigenous rights
  • The role of emergent technologies at the intersection of community mobilization and social change

Carol Amaratunga
PhD (Toronto), Adjunct associate professor

  • Health
  • Women's and family issues

Anne Becker
PhD (Harvard), MD (Harvard), Adjunct associate professor

  • Cultural mediation of body image and eating disorders in Fiji
  • Social transition and risk for eating disorders in Fiji
  • Global mental health

Nancy Bell
PhD (Glasgow), Adjunct assistant professor

  • Human rights, with emphasis on child and youth rights
  • Socio-legal research and human rights
  • Social policy analysis
  • Human rights monitoring and implementation
  • Public services redress structures
  • Non-traditional remedies and institutional responses to human rights violations
  • Institutional ethnography

Jeremy Berland
MSW (UBC), Adjunct assistant professor

  • Working with families where neglect is a concern
  • Outcome measurement in child welfare
  • Workload measurement
  • Organizational culture

Larry Brendtro
PhD (Michigan), Adjunct assistant professor

  • Strength-based assessment, treatment and education
  • Building resilience in youth at risk
  • Indigenous youth in the dominant culture
  • Building positive youth cultures
  • From coercive to restorative climates with troubled youth
  • The resilient brain
Terri-Lynn Brennan
Ed.D (Toronto), Adjunct assistant professor
  • Anti-colonialism
  • First Peoples/Indigenous approaches to community development
  • Decolonizing pedagogy
  • Intangible cultural heritage

Martin Brokenleg
EdD (S. Dakota), Adjunct associate professor

  • Resiliency in youth at risk
  • Social issues affecting all youth
  • Risk factors affecting Indigenous youth
  • Indigenous cultural traditions
  • Indigenaity and cultural renaissance
  • Dynamics of gender and sexual orientation

Roy Brown
PhD (London), Adjunct professor

  • Quality of life for people with disabilities and their families
  • Evaluation of disability service programs
  • Mental imagery amongst persons with disabilities
  • Applying research to practice in the disabilities field
  • Research design in applied research

Catherine A. Cameron
PhD (London), Adjunct professor

  • Cross-cultural studies of verbal deception: Canada/China/Japan/USA comparisons
  • Young children's stress reactivity to a moral choice
  • Ecological studies of development in cultural context: The early years in Canada, Thailand, Italy, UK, Peru, USA and Turkey
  • Day in the life of resilient adolescents in eight locations around the globe: Four communities in Canada paired with communities in India, China, Thailand and South Africa
  • Young children's telephone discourse with family members: Relationships with emergent literacy
  • Evaluation of school-based violence prevention, especially gender-sensitive interventions
  • Resilience during transitions: Early childhood years, early adolescence, and the transition to university
  • Teenagers' perceptions of intimate relationships

Grant Charles
PhD (UVic), Adjunct associate professor

  • Child welfare
  • Young carers
  • Community partnerships
  • Field education and supervision

Margaret Dabor
PhD (Sierra Leone), Adjunct assistant professor

  • Curriculum development
  • Training and policy in Africa
  • Focus on early childhood development (ECD)
  • Girl-child education

Enid Elliot
PhD (UVic), Adjunct assistant professor

  • Bridging theory and practice in early childhood
  • Research that involves children under six, under three, as researchers
  • The complexities of infant and toddler care
  • Natural play spaces in early childhood programs
  • The narratives of early childhood educators
  • Children's play, learning and engagement in the outdoors

Nigel Fisher
PhD (McMaster), Adjunct assistant professor

  • International development
  • Children affected by armed conflict
  • Public policy
  • Fragile states
  • Poverty and insecurity
  • Innovation and development
  • Comparative development of Canada's Aboriginal communities and countries of the global South

Leslie T. Foster
PhD (Toronto), Adjunct professor

  • Child/youth health and welfare policy development and decision making
  • Youth health and development indicators
  • Mapping health and development indicators
  • Issues related to knowledge transfer for improved decision making

Thom Garfat
PhD (UVic), Adjunct assistant professor

  • Residential CYC practice
  • The therapeutic use of daily life events
  • Engagement with families in CYC practice
  • Relational CYC practice
  • Self in CYC
  • Outcomes that matter in working with young people and families
  • The application of the circle of change

Kiaras Gharabaghi
PhD (Dalhousie), Adjunct assistant professor

  • Life-space intervention
  • Residential care and treatment
  • Education experiences of children and youth in care
  • Social pedagogy models of care
  • Community-based interventions in an international context

Graham Giles
PhD (UBC), Adjunct assistant professor

  • Ethics and ethical inquiry in education
  • Ontology, subjectivity and educational leadership
  • Indigenous epistemologies and approaches to education
  • Indigenous early childhood care and education
  • Innovation in education (especially rural education)
  • Participatory and Indigenous research methodologies, including Indigenous storywork,, dreamwork, participatory video documentation of Oral Tradition
  • Psychoanalytic, poststructural, postcolonial and political theory in educational research

Rebecca Gokiert
PhD (Alberta), Adjunct assistant professor

  • Early childhood measurement and evaluation
  • Validity of screening and assessment processes and tools
  • Cross-cultural approaches to screening and assessment
  • Mixed methodologies and community-based research and evaluation

Jaswant Guzder
PhD (McGill), Adjunct professor

  • Child mental health - high risk children, personality disorder risk
  • Help seeking of families
  • Cultural consultation model of care - minority communities at risk
Laurie Harding
EdD (Simon Fraser), Adjunct assistant professor
  • Indigenous cultural safety
  • White and settler privilege
  • Anti-Indigenous racism education for students/practitioners working in child and youth care, child and family services, health, justice, mental health

John Hart
PhD (Southern California), Adjunct associate professor

  • Gender studies/men's issues
  • Fathering
  • Indigenous traditional healing
  • Meditation training for youth health and well-being

Lindsay Herriot
PhD (Alberta), Adjunct assistant professor

  • Multicultural education
  • Queer and transgender youth
  • Social justice
  • Youth participation in educational reform
  • Gender justice
  • Feminist ethic of care

B. Denise Hodgins
PhD (UVic), Adjunct assistant professor

  • twenty-first century early childhood education and care pedagogies and research methods
  • materialdiscursive (re)constructions of gender and care
  • pedagogical narrations as a postfoundational methodology
  • children's material relations
  • histories of early childhood education and care 

S. Mikael Jansson
PhD (London, ON), Adjunct assistant professor

  • Disadvantaged/vulnerable populations
  • Licit and illicit substance use
  • Research ethics
  • Life transitions
  • Health status and access to health services
  • Mixed/comparative methods, survey research
  • Community-academic collaboration
  • Street-involved youth
  • Persons working in the sex industry

Sylvia Kind
PhD (UBC), Adjunct assistant professor

  • Early childhood curriculum
  • Children's artistic and expressive languages
  • Studio research and the role of the atelier in early childhood
  • Art practice as living inquiry

Philip C. Lancaster
PhD (Ottawa), Adjunct assistant professor

  • Child soldiers
  • Children affected by armed conflict
  • Sexual and gender-based violence
  •  Political philosophy
  • Genocide

Kofi Marfo
PhD (Alberta), Adjunct professor

  • Early child development, including care and education
  • Development science and social policy
  • Socio-cultural contexts of human development
  • Parent-child interaction
  • Early intervention: program efficacy
  • Critical analysis of applied research
  • Cognition, learning, and instruction
  • Evaluation of educational interventions/innovations
  • Mental retardation/developmental disabilities
  • International perspectives in developmental practice

Gord Miller
PhD (UVic), Adjunct assistant professor

  • Child and youth health promotion
  • Social welfare services and policy development
  • Community youth development
  • School as a setting for health promotion
  • Social determinants of health
  • Adolescent health
  • Collaborative action research
  • Evaluation models and approaches

Peter Moss
MA (London), Adjunct associate professor

  • Early childhood services
  • Relationship between early years services, schools, and free-time services
  • Workforce in services for children and young people
  • Leave policies for parents
  • Relationship between care and employment
Michelle Neuman
PhD (Columbia), Adjunct assistant professor
  • International early childhood care and development
  • Child and family policy in comparative perspective
  • Education politics and policy
  • International education development
  • Program evaluation
Janet Newbury
PhD (UVic), Adjunct assistant professor
  • Intergenerational and intercultural engagement
  • Community-based approaches to economic and social development
  • Social justice
  • Suicide prevention
  • Disability
  • Working across differences
  • Participatory action research
  • Qualitative research methods

Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw
BA, MEd (York), PhD (Toronto)

  • Early childhood studies
  • Common worlds childhoods and pedagogies
  • (Post)colonial and ecological relations in early childhood
  • Decolonizing strategies in early childhood pedagogies
  • Children's relations and places and materials
  • Multispecies relations
  • Children's geographies

Rajendra Prasad Parajuli 
PhD (Tokyo), Adjunct assistant professor

  • Children’s health
  • Community health
  • Environmental epidemiology
  • Environmental health

Carmen Rodriguez
PhD (UVic), Adjunct assistant professor

  • Aboriginal childrearing practices
  • Aboriginal worldviews
  • Bilingual education
  • Identity and child development across cultures
  • Multicultural approaches to teaching and learning

Shlomo Romi
PhD (OISE), Adjunct associate professor

  • Non-formal education, qualification of workers and residential schools
  • Psychological assessment, custody cases and psychological characteristics of dropout and delinquent youth
  • Youth in distress, training workers and therapeutic intervention

Blythe Shepard
PhD (UVic), Adjunct associate professor

  • Rural youth
  • Families and children living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
  • Training/Supervision of helpers
  • Narrative methodology
  • Child and family responses to natural disasters

Hans Skott-Myhre
PhD (Minnesota), Adjunct assistant professor

  • Globalization
  • Radical youthwork
  • Youth subcultures
  • Philosophy of child and youth studies
  • Body practices and creative force of childhood and youth
  • Children, youth and popular culture
  • Qualitative and ethnographic research methods
  • Post-colonial/post-capitalist subjectivity

Victoria Smye
PhD (UBC), Adjunct assistant professor

  • Access to mental health and addictions care
  • Inequities in access to mental health and addictions care with a particular focus on Aboriginal peoples and women
  • Long term health effects for women leaving intimate partner violence
  • Aboriginal women's experiences of leaving intimate partner violence
  • Suicide prevention

Carol Stuart
PhD (UVic), Adjunct associate professor

  • Professional practice standards
  • Evidence based practice
  • Youth resilience and youth at risk
  • Participatory research and qualitative approaches to research

Beth Blue Swadener
PhD (Wisconsin-Madison), Adjunct professor

  • Decolonization of research in cross-cultural contexts
  • Cultural diversity and an early childhood education
  • Inclusion of children with disabilities
  • Homelessness international context/street children and youth
  • Social policies affecting children and families
Affrica Taylor
PhD (New South Wales), Adjunct professor
  • Geographies of childhood

  • Settler colonial place relations

  • Common worlds childhoods and pedagogies (see web page: )

  • Children’s multispecies relations

  • Indigenous childhoods and ontologies

Bruce Tobin
PhD (Washington), Adjunct assistant professor

  • Expressive therapies
  • Child abuse and trauma
  • Effects of television on child development
  • Issues in inter-cultural counselling in First Nations communities

Kenneth Tupper
PhD (UBC), Adjunct assistant professor

  • Public Health
  • Health policy
  • Critical discourse analysis
  • History and philosophy of science
  • Drug education
  • Psychedelic studies
  • Ayahuasca studies

Steve Van Bockern
EdD (South Dakota), Adjunct professor

  • Youth placed at risk
  • Strength-based classroom discipline
  • Personal and professional development
  • Best practice teaching and school leadership
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Resiliency

Emily Vargas-Baron
PhD (Stanford), Adjunct associate professor

  • National-level policy planning for integrated early child development
  • Children's needs and responsive programs in crisis and post-crisis nations
  • Educational policy planning and systems development
  • Systems for planning, coordinating, and evaluating national-level integrated early child development systems
  • Early child development training systems, curriculum, and materials development
  • Parent education systems

Angela Veale
PhD (Cork), Adjunct assistant professor

  • Transnational migration
  • Social reintegration of child soldiers
  • Refugee and asylum-seeking children and youth
  • Fostering resilience in children and youth
  • War-affected children and youth