
Marie Hoskins

Marie Hoskins

BA (UBC), MEd, PhD (UVic)

Area of expertise

Adolescent girls' development/eating disorders, family counselling, identity issues

Marie L. Hoskins, Ph.D. is a full professor and graduate advisor in the School of Child and Youth Care. Her teaching and research is strongly informed by social constructionist and constructivist theories. As a recipient of several Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Awards (SSHRC), she has been the principal investigator on a variety of research projects including an exploration of adolescents and disordered eating, an inquiry into the shifts in constituting identities while engaged in workplace conflicts, and an exploration of the co-construction of identities surrounding the use of crystal meta amphetamines among adolescent girls. In addition to these research projects, she has published articles related to the difficulties that arise when attempting to hold multiple perspectives in learning environments and when working with diverse worldviews in practice settings. She is currently working internationally on issues related to conflicts and how the experience of war affects children and their families. Related to this research focus, she has recently joined a multidisciplinary team who are working together to reintegrate former child soldiers into community life in Western and Central Africa (). Along with Dr. Sibylle Artz, she is currently a member of the steering committee for the Child Soldier Initiative led by Senator Romeo Dallaire. Recently she has been named as an associate of the .

Dr. Hoskins has supervised and been a member of over fifty graduate student committees where a wide variety of methodologies including narrative, autoethnographic, hermeneutic, and phenomenological perspectives have been used. Within the school of Child and Youth Care, Dr. Hoskins, along with her colleagues, has helped to develop a masters and doctoral program that prepares students to work holistically with children, youth and families experiencing a variety of challenges. International in its scope, the program attracts students from a variety of countries. She primarily teaches courses related to Generating Knowledge in Child and Youth CareApplied Human Change Theories and Processes, and Qualitative Research.

Research interests

Adolescent girls' development/eating disorders, family counselling, identity issues.


Dr. Hoskins has authored and co-authored numerous articles published in journals such as Constructivist PsychologyInternational Women’s Quarterly, the Child and Youth Care ForumMediation QuarterlyQualitative Report, and Qualitative Inquiry. She has also co-edited a book entitled, Working Relationally with Girls:Complex Lives/Complex Identities. For several years she has been on the editorial boards of the Canadian Journal of Counselling and Constructivism and the Human Sciences. She was also elected to the executive board for Constructivism and the Human Sciences.

Hoskins, M. L. (2008). Constructivist ideals and collaborating in international research: Impossible partners or soul mates? Constructivism in the Human Services, Vol. 12 (1 & 2) 34-52.

Newbury, J., & Hoskins, M. L. (2008). A meaning method: Research with adolescent girls who use crystal methamphetamine. Child Youth Care Forum, Vol. 37 (227-240) Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

Newbury, J., & Hoskins, M. L. (in press). Making meaning in context: The puzzling relationship between image and metaphor. Constructivist Journal of Psychology.

Newbury, J., & Hoskins, M. L. (2010). Girls are so complicated: Re-imagining addiction support in context. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 44, [1] 15-33.

Newbury, J., & Hoskins, M. L. (under review). Relational Inquiry: Generating new knowledge with adolescent girls who use crystal meth. Qualitative Inquiry.

Hoskins, M., & White, J. (2010). Processes of discernment when considering issues of neglect in child protection practice. Child and Youth Care. 39:27-45

White, J., & Hoskins, M. (submitted). On the Tightrope: Making sense of neglect in everyday child welfare practice. Families in Society.

Hoskins, M., & Marshall, A. (2009). A tribute to R. Vance Peavy. Canadian Journal of Counselling.

Hoskins, M. L. (in press). Transforming curriculum: A hermeneutic understanding of difference.

Hoskins, M. L., & Ricks, F. (2008). Experiencing differences: The challenges, the opportunities and the cautions. In G. Bellefeuille, & F. Ricks, (Eds.), Standing on the precipice: Inquiry into the creative potential of child and youth care practice. (pp. 281-309). Edmonton: MacEwan Press

Little, J. N., Hoskins, M. L., & Mathieson, L. (in press). Constructing gender/ed identity and moral reasoning in a media/mediated world. Counselling Psychology Quarterly.

Mathieson, L., & Hoskins, M. L. (2005). Metaphors of change in the context of eating disorders: Bridging understandings with girls' perceptions. Canadian Journal of Counselling.

Hoskins, M. L. (2005). Constructive psychotherapy: A relational and embodied approach. Book review for The Journal of Constructivist Psychology.

Hoskins, M. L., & Stoltz, J. (2005). Fear of offending: Disclosing researcher discomfort when engaging in analysis. Qualitative Research, 5(1), 95-111.

Hoskins, M. L., & Artz, S. A. (Eds.) (2004). Working relationally with girls: Complex lives/complex identities. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.

Hoskins, M. L., & Artz, S. (Eds.) (2004). Introduction. In, Working relationally with girls: Complex lives/complex identities (pp. 1-8). Binghamtom, NY: Haworth Press.

Hoskins, M. L., & Artz, S. (Eds.) (2004). A mediated lifespace: Working relationally with girls.. In, Working relationally with girls: Complex lives/complex identities (pp. 53-74). Binghamtom, NY: Haworth Press.

Hoskins, M. L., & Artz, S. (Eds.) (2004). "It's an acceptable identiy": Constructing "girl" at the intersections of health challenges, media and meaning-making. In, Working relationally with girls: Complex lives/complex identities (pp. 75-94). Binghamtom, NY: Haworth Press.

Hoskins, M. L. (2004). An introduction to Vance Peavy's work. In R. V. Peavy (Ed.), Sociodynamic counselling: A practical approach to meaning making (pp. ix-xvi). Taos Institute Publication.

Maczewski, M., Storey, M. A., & Hoskins, M. (2003). Conducting congruent, ethical, qualitative research in internet-mediated research environments. In E. A. Buchanan (Ed.), Readings in virtual research ethics: Issues and controversies (pp. 62-79). Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing.

Hoskins, M. L. (2003). What unites us: What divides us. A multicultural agenda within child and youth care. Child and Youth Care Forum, 32(6), 319-337.

Hoskins, M., & Stoltz, J. (2003). Balancing on words: Human change processes in mediation. Conflict Resolution Quarterly (formerly Mediation Quarterly), 20(3), 331-349.

Hoskins, M. (2002). Towards new methodologies for constructivist research: Synthesizing knowledges for relational inquiries. In J. Raskin & S. Bridges (Eds.), Studies in meaning: Exploring constructivist psychology (pp. 225-246). New York: Pace University Press.

Hoskins, M., (2001). True grit and the new frontier: Cultivating new ground for psychological research. Qualitative Inquiry, 7(5), 659-675.

Hoskins, M. (2001). Girls' identity dilemmas: Spaces defined by definitions of worth. Health Carefor Women International, 23, 231-247.

Routledge, R., Mani, P., Pence, A., & Hoskins, M. (2001). Exploring the role of family and peers in adolescent self-representation. Child and Youth Care Forum, 30(1), 35-54.

Hoskins, M. L., & Lam, E. (2001). The impact of daughters' eating disorders on mothers' sense of self: Contextualizing mothering experiences. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 35(2), 157-175.

Hoskins, M. (2000). Living research: The experience of researching self, other, and discourse. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 13, 47-66.

Chambers, E., Hoskins, M. L., & Pence, A. (1999). Hanzel and Gretel at the millennium. Child and Youth Care Forum, 28(6), 393-410.

Hoskins, M. L., Pence, A., & Chambers, E. (1999). Quality and day care: What do children have to say? Early Child Development and Care, 157, 51-66.

Hoskins, M. (1999). Worlds apart and lives together: Developing cultural attunement. Child and Youth Care Forum, 28(2), 73-85.

Arvay, M., Banister, E., Hoskins, M., & Snell, A. (1999). Women's lived experience of conceptualizing the self: Implications for health care practice. Health Care for Women International, 20, 363-380.

Hoskins, M., & Arvay, M. (1999). Researching the postmodern self: Implications for constructivism. Constructivism and the Human Sciences, 4,(1),13-35.

Hoskins, M. (1996). Constructivism and child and youth care practice: Visions for the 21st century. Journal of Child and Youth Care,11,(4), 83-93.

Hartrick, G., Lindsay, L., & Hoskins, M. (1996). Transforming our vision: Emancipatory career planning for nurses. The Canadian Journal of Nursing Administration, 9,(4), 87-106.

Hoskins, M., & Leseho, J. (1996). Metaphors of the self: Implications for counsellors. Journal of Counseling and Development, 74, 243-252.

Hoskins, M. (1995). Meaning-making approaches to career development. In B. Hiebert (Ed.), Exemplary Career Development Programs and Practices: The Best From Canada. Ottawa: ERIC/CASS Digest Collection.

Hoskins, M., & Stringer, M. (1989). The role of the elementary school counsellor in Greater Victoria School District #61. The British Columbia Counsellor,11(2), 30-38.