
Training providers

Learning Central is a free learning registration system designed to serve as the hub for all employee learning opportunities. Learning Central offers employees one-stop-shopping; affords training providers an easy tool to manage courses and learning records from across campus; and provides supervisors with an effective way to monitor employee development.

“We have been using Learning Central for over 1.5 years and first implemented it as a process update. It has allowed our team to re-allocate time and effort to other meaningful tasks, knowing that our users are able to self-enroll in courses”. - Learning Central Training Provider

Learning Central is NOT for managing meetings, committees or events.
When in doubt, ask this question: do participants need a learning record of the event? If yes, then Learning Central may be your solution. Please visit the University Systems Event management software webpage for more information about business application options.

Read before accessing Learning central: Terms of Use

Version 1.1 (last updated Jul 26, 2019)

The Learning Central portal at the 番茄社区 (UVic) is managed by Organization Development and Learning Services (ODLS) within Human Resources (HR). The portal supports employee training and learning records management by UVic training providers. Access to the Learning Central portal (“portal”) is granted upon a user’s review and acceptance of a set of terms and conditions (“agreement”). Any modifications to this agreement will be posted with the assumption that continued use of the portal indicates acceptance of such changes.

Information Disclosure
Your learning records are visible to your direct supervisor or manager through the portal.
Also, by using the portal, you agree to make your contact information and employment status available to portal administrators (ODLS staff and other campus training providers).

Portal users are responsible for seeking appropriate supervisor approval prior to registering for training. Some operations in the portal may require you to provide a FAST code and personal dietary restrictions. This information will be visible to portal administrators only for the purposes of applying a service policy or arranging catering services when applicable.

Your interactions within the portal, including registering for courses, posting courses, learning records and other data will be stored on servers located in Canada at the 番茄社区.

University Policies
Use of the Learning Central portal is subject to the following UVic policies and guidelines:

in addition to applicable service policies associated with the courses you are taking. These policies will be highlighted during the registration process and are a result of the fact that training may be organized by various departments and service providers.

The portal is available to students, staff, faculty, and authorized administrators at the UVic via single sign-on with a primary NetLink ID. Upon leaving the university, you will lose access to your account. If you would like assistance getting a copy of your learning records, contact ODLS at

Support for the portal is provided by ODLS; however, support for specific courses is provided by the department organizing the training. By using this portal, you consent to receive communications including notices, announcements, feedback, or support from relevant portal administrators. Portal administrators may provide all such communications by email or by posting them as a notice on the Learning Central website.

ODLS will endeavour to ensure that the portal is available 24 hours a day; however, access to this site may be suspended temporarily and without notice in the event of system failure, maintenance or repair, or for reasons beyond the control of ODLS.

The portal may contain content, references and links to other websites outside the control of UVic. UVic is not responsible for, does not guarantee access to, and does not assume endorsement of external content.

 * You must be an authorized user to access the live admin console

Want to use Learning Central as a training provider?

Email to schedule a training session and you'll be ready to go!


To help you navigate Learning Central, we've created a user guide with tutorials, tips and best practices. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can use Learning Central?

Any UVic staff is able to log in to Learning Central to browse training options. Students are able to log in if they are student-staff, or if they are required to complete safety training (e.g. students working in a lab)

Are there different types of admin access to Learning Central?

Yes, there are three main types of admin users for Learning Central:

  • Training Providers: this user type has the ability to create, edit and remove courses, create, edit and remove instructors, and manage registration

  • Read-only: this user type can access the class list to view registrant numbers and print the class list

  • Training Provider Groups: admin users are grouped into groups, so you will only be able to access the courses created by members of your group

How can I become a training provider in Learning Central?

To request admin access, please contact  to schedule a training session.

What is the difference between closing and cancelling a course?

Closing a course adds the course to all registrants' learning transcript. Note: this cannot be undone so ensure that you have reviewed the list of registrants and updated any no-shows or cancellations.

Cancelling a course removes the course from the course directory so that people can no longer register. You will also be prompted to send an email to notify registrants of the cancellation. 

Can I edit the language of the automatic emails in Learning Central?

The emails sent automatically be Learning Central are standard across the platform and cannot be customized by training provider group. If you would like to request a change that is applicable for all groups, you can email .

How can I create a tag for my courses?

To request a tag, please email .

I have a different question...

We love questions! Feel free to contact us at .