
Donor Stories


Your donations make a huge impact to our students' lives and their educational experience. Whether your gift contributes to the purchase of materials for our design students, or is funding a student bursary for those in financial need, your generousity translates into a better, richer experience at university.

Read more about how supporting the Department of Theatre has impacted our students. 

Lindsay Robinson

From Shakespeare to saving lives

Lindsay Robinson had a long-held dream of becoming a doctor. It was a dream he put aside while pursuing a career in the performing arts, until one evening during a performance of Romeo and Juliet when he leapt in to action to help an injured colleague. After years as a professional actor, he still needed an undergraduate degree before he could apply to med school. Receiving a bursary during his theatre degree helped him focus on his studies, especially the science courses required for medical school...

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Some people just seem born for the parts they will play in life. Such is the case with student Alex Plouffe, the 2010 recipient of the Nigel Leach Memorial Scholarship. Indeed, while most students tend to dread their encounters with the works of William Shakespeare, Plouffe simply couldn’t get enough of the Bard.