
Musicology and Sound Studies

At UVic, we study music's role in our lives today and throughout the history of music. Our undergraduates receive the same initial training as our performers, but in later years they embark on the critical study of music as a cultural practice, music's relation to sound, and above all, how to write effectively about any musical topic.

Undergraduate students come to our program with a variety of backgrounds; many study performance, while others pursue studies geared toward academia or arts administration—our program remains flexible enough to accomodate all of these students with success.

Graduates of our program have gone on to successful study at top universities in Canada and beyond, including Cornell, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale, and several have held teaching positions at top Canadian and American Universities such as the University of Alberta, Memorial, Western, and the University of Michigan. Many have also turned to other careers in music criticism, journalism, arts administration, librarianship, and music publishing.