
Mission and vision

BB King Review

Professional presentations of world-class works in a world-class venue

At the Farquhar Auditorium you will experience a great spectrum of artistic events, finding performances and presentations that will captivate and inspire you! We welcome international and local artists, speakers, and more. Our staff are friendly, highly skilled, and professional, ready to aid clients and audience members alike. The Farquhar Auditorium is a place for skill development, achievement, and growth: join us in celebrating the excellence of the arts.

Seek culture, creativity, community. Find it at Farquhar.

Diversity, community, excellence

  • We value diversity so our program consists of a variety of artistic mediums and includes international and local content.
  • We value cooperation so we employ (and applaud) respectful, responsive and highly skilled professional staff whose primary goal is to aid and guide both clients and audience members.
  • We value creativity so we program performances and presentations that inspire, engage and delight (dynamic and significant).
  • We value community so we provide a space to learn, practice and work. Farquhar is a place for skill development, achievement and growth.
  • We value excellence so we celebrate it through hosting convocations, graduations, and ceremonies and through professional presentation of world class works in a world class venue.