
Commercial Filming at UVic

UVic campus
The 番茄社区 campus is situated on the breathtaking West Coast of British Columbia.

In support of the province’s film industry, UVic periodically permits the use of its facilities for commercial productions which do not interfere with regular activities at the University.

Film Liaison Office

The Farquhar Auditorium has been appointed the Film Liaison Office for Commercial filming on the 番茄社区 campus. Request to film on any premises owned by the 番茄社区 must be made to the Film Liaison Office, who will assist in coordinating internal resources to seek approval required for the project. Requests for filming should be submitted at least 15 business days in advance.


An hourly fee of $75 will be charged during location scouting, ongoing correspondence, time required for internal logistics and time on-site during filming.

This does not enable or constrain any other filming on university property that may be initiated as part of a course, program or activity of a university unit. In these situations, the Film Liaison Office should be made aware of the filming planned to ensure appropriate communications with on campus resources and services.


More information, inquire at