
Graduate research

Our Master's in Indigenous Language Revitalization (MILR) graduate students have completed the following theses and projects:

MILR theses

MILR projects

CRAIG, Carmen, 2023 - Ozaaweshiinh Ləkwəŋən/W̱ SÁNEĆ-aking: An Ojibwe Language and Culture Needs Assessment in Victoria B.C.

HILL, Peter, 2023 - Spiraled Stories: A Method for Teaching Indigenous Languages Using Recorded Audio

DENNIS, Odelia, 2020 - 

ELIJAH, Kahentéhtha Angela, 2020 - 

EVERSON, Keisha - 

HEMLOCK, Kanen’tó:kon, 2020 - 

LEWIS, Danita, 2020 - 

PASCUA,Maria Hita·ʔa·ʔoƛ, 2020 - 

MORIN, Randy, 2018 -  

AITKEN, Emily, 2017 - 

GWA'AMUUK, Cheyenne, 2017 - 

MANTLA, Rosa, 2017 -

NICOLSON, Deanna, 2017 - 

UNDERWOOD, David, 2017 - 

ANDERSON, Aiona, 2016 - 

BRANT, Joe, 2016 - 

CHILD, Sara, 2016 - 

DANIELS, Deanna, 2016 - 

FOXCROFT, Dawn, 2016 - 

HARRIS, Pearl, 2016 - 

JIM, Jacqueline, 2016 - 

KELL, Sarah, 2016 -

REID, Stephen, 2016 - 

RORICK, Layla 2016 - 

STACEY, Kahtehrón:ni Iris, 2016 - 

THORBURN, Britt, 2016 - Another Piece of the Puzzle: The Importance of Supporting Indigenous Language Revitalization in the Home

TUTCHO, Laura, 2016 - 

BILLY, Janice, 2015 -

HILL, Callie Jane, 2015 - 

REID, Stephen, 2015 - 

SAMPSON, Renee, 2014 - 

BLANEY, Gail, 2010 -