
Marc Klimstra

Marc Klimstra
Associate professor
Office: MCK 135

BKin (McMaster), BEd (Western Ont), MSc (McMaster, PhD (UVic)

Area of expertise

Biomechanics and motor control of human movement in sport; exercise and rehabilitation


Dr. Marc Klimstra is an Associate Professor. He co-coordinates the Motion and Mobility research laboratory with Dr. Sandra Hundza. His research interests are biomechanics and motor control of human movement in sport, exercise and rehabilitation.

Research interests

  • Biomechanics and motor control of human movement in sport
  • Exercise and rehabilitation

Selected publications

Ezzarane, R. A., Klimstra, M. D., Lewis, A. Hundza, S. R., & Zehr, E. P. (2011). Interlimb coupling from the arms to legs is differentially specified for populations of motor units comprising the compound H-reflex during “reduced” human locomotion. Experiomental Brain Research, 208(2), 157-168.

Robbins, D. W., Young, W. B., Behm, D. G., Payne, W. R. ,& Klimstra, M. D. (2010). Physical performance and electromyographic responses to an acute bout of paired set strength training versus traditional strength training. Journal of Strength Conditioning Research, 24(5), 1237-1245.

Phadke, C., Klimstra ,M., Zehr, E. P., Thompson, F., & Behrman, A. (2010). Soleus H-reflex modulation during stance phase of walking with altered arm swing patterns. Motor Control, 14(1), 116-125.