
Sandra Hundza

Sandra Hundza
Associate professor; Director
Office: MCK 122

BSc (Alta), PhD (UVic)

Area of expertise

Neural control of human movement and motor rehabilitation with aging and after injury and disease (e.g., stroke or Parkinson’s disease); neural control of balance during walking and coordination of limbs and trunk during rhythmic movement; assistive devices and technologies related to mobility and mobility measurement


Dr. Sandra Hundza is an associate professor and EPHE Director. Sandra has a clinical background in physiotherapy in the area of neurology, orthopaedics and geriatrics. She is also a research affiliate of , Centre on Aging, Centre for Neuroscience, Centre for Biomedical Research, International Collaboration on Repair and Discoveries.

Research interests

  • Neural control of human movement and motor rehabilitation with aging and after injury and disease  (e.g., stroke or Parkinson’s disease)
  • Neural control of balance during walking and coordination of limbs and trunk during rhythmic movement
  • Assistive devices and technologies related to mobility and mobility measurement

Selected publications

Hundza, S. R., Hook, W., Harris, C., Mahajan, S., Leslie, P., Spani, C., Spaltehloz, L., Commandeur, D., & Livingston, N. (In press). Accurate and reliable gait cycle detection in Parkinson’s Disease. Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering.

Hundza, S. R., de Ruiter, G., Klimstra, M., & Zehr, E. P. (2012). Soleus H-reflex amplitude is unaffected by afferent input during arm cycling. Joural of Neurophysiology, 108(11), 3049-3058.

Zehr, E. P., Loadman, P.L., & Hundza, S. R. (2012). Cutaneous reflex modulation during arm cycling after stroke. Joural of Neurophysiology, 108(3), 891-905.