
Dr. Kathy Sanford

Dr. Kathy Sanford
Professor, Language & Literacy
Curriculum and Instruction
Office: MacLaurin A526

EdD (Secondary Education) University of Alberta, MEd (Secondary English Education) University of Alberta, Graduate Diploma (Secondary English Education) University of Alberta, BEd (Secondary Music Education) University of Alberta

  • Teacher education

  • Gender and pedagogy

  • Multiliteracies

  • Digital portfolios

  • Assessment for learning

  • Feminist adult education

  • Community-based education

  • Qualitative research methodologies

  • Multiliteracies Education

  • Transdisciplinary Inquiry Strategies

  • Educational Research Methodologies

  • Educational Discourses

  • Issues of Assessment

  • Gender and Pedagogy

  • Interim Graduate Advisor

Clover, D., & Sanford, K. Eds. (2013). Lifelong Learning, the arts and creative cultural engagement book. Manchester University Press.

Hammett, R. & K. Sanford. Eds. (2008). Boys, Girls, and the Myths of Literacy and Learning. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.

Sanford, K., & Merkel, L. (2012). Gendered Identity Exploration through new literacies. English in Middle and Secondary Classrooms. Ed. James, K., Dobson, T., Leggo, C.

Sanford, K., & Merkel, L. (2012). Literacy and Videogames. English in Middle and Secondary Classrooms. Ed. James, K., Dobson, T., Leggo, C.

Sanford, K., & Bonsor Kurki, S. (2012). Outsiders in the Videogame World: Where are the Girls? Frånberg, Gun-Marie, Hällgren, Camilla & Dunkels, Elza (Eds.) (2012) Invisible Girl. Umeå, Umeå University.

Sanford, K., Williams, L., Hopper, T., McGregor, C. (2012). Decolonizing Teacher Education: Indigenous Principles informing Teacher Education.  18(2).

Hopper, T., Sanford, K., Bonsor Kurki, S. (2011). Stitching Together a Teacher’s Body of Knowledge: Frankie N Stein’s ePortfolio. E-Learning and Digital Media, 9(1).

Sanford, K., Merkel, L., & Madill, L. (2011). . Loading, 5(8).

Sanford, K. & Merkel, E. (2011). Complexities of Gaming Cultures: Adolescent Gamers Adapting and Transforming Learning. E-Learning and Digital Media, 8(4).

Clover, D. & Sanford, K. (2010). Adult education and lifelong learning in arts and cultural institutions A content analysis. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 16(2), 5-19.

Hopper, T., & Sanford, K. (2010). Program-wide E-portfolios: Creating new spaces for an “inside-out” approach to teacher education. , 37 (1).

Sanford, K. (2010/2006). Gendered Literacy Experiences: The Effects of Expectation and Opportunity for Boys’ and Girls’ Learning. Reprinted in Bean, R., Heisy, N., Roller, C. Preparing Reading Professionals. International Reading Association, pp. 216-228.

Sanford, K. & Hopper, T. (2009). Videogames and Complexity Theory: Learning through Game Play. , 3(4).

I am available to speak on the following topics through the UVic Speakers Bureau:

  • Videogames and Learning

If you are interested to have me speak on any of these topics, please visit the UVic Speakers Bureau to make a booking.