
Dr. Jason Price

Dr. Jason Price
Associate Professor, Social Studies
Office: MacLaurin A561

PhD (Educational Administration Diversity & Social Justice) University of Toronto, MA (Educational Administration Diversity & Social Justice) University of Toronto, MEd (International Education) Farmingham State College, BEd (History and Native Education), BA (honors in History), BA (Political Studies/Sociology) Trent University

  • Teacher & educational leadership preparation
  • Indigenous/countercultural education
  • Education for ecological restoration
  • Education for the advancement of human rights and happiness
  • Educational policy and governance
  • Peace education
  • Governance simulations and youth leadership

I am available to speak on the following topics through the UVic Speakers Bureau:

  • Education for Social Justice and Reconstruction
  • New Digital Technologies: Hope and Possibility in Open Education
  • The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: Possibilities and Promise

If you are interested to have me speak on any of these topics, please visit the  to make a booking.