
Dr. Monica Prendergast

Dr. Monica Prendergast
Professor, Drama Education
Curriculum and Instruction
Office: MacLaurin A523

PhD (Interdisciplinary Studies in Theatre, Philosophy & Education) 番茄社区, MA (Curriculum Studies, Theatre & Education) 番茄社区, BEd (Artist in Community Education (Dramatic Arts & English) Queen's University, BFA (Drama (Acting)) University of Regina

  • Drama/Theatre Education (K-12 & Postsecondary)

  • Curriculum Studies (K-12 & Postsecondary)
  • Applied Drama/Theatre (community-based practice)

  • Curriculum Studies/Theory/Philosophy

  • Performance Theory/Performance Studies

  • Arts-Based Qualitative Research Methods (performative and poetic inquiry)

  • Undergraduate

  • K-8 Drama Education (EDCI 305A & 305B)

  • Secondary Theatre Methods (EDCI 716)

  • Cross-curricular Inquiry (EDCI 787)

  • Learning through Drama (EDCI 464)

  • Graduate

  • Contemporary Curriculum Studies (EDCI 532)

  • Curriculum Development (EDCI 548)

  • Directed Studies in Arts-based Research, Curriculum Change and Personalized Learning, Early Years Drama (EDCI 591/691)

Prendergast, M., Saxton, J. & Kandil, Y. (Eds.). (2024). Applied Theatre: International Case Studies and Challenges for Practice (3rd ed.). Intellect.

Cox, S., Guillemin, M., Nichols, J., & Prendergast, M. (2023). Ethics in research-based theater: Why stories matter. Qualitative Inquiry, 29(2), 247–256.  

Prendergast, M. (2023). The Show is Over: Poems Inspired by Christopher Wool’s Untitled: THE SHOW IS OVER (1990-91). NJ: Drama Australia, 1-9.

Shenfield, R. & Prendergast, M. (2023). Curriculum violence in drama education. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 28(3), 392-404.

Pauluth-Penner, T. & Prendergast, M. (2023). Youth ←→ mental health ←→ performance: How young people respond to portrayals of mental health, resilience and well-being in and through drama and performance creation. Applied Theatre Research, 11(1), 23–42.

Prendergast, M. (2022). Poetic inquiry and/as theatre audience research. In M. Omasta & D. Snyder-Young (Eds.),Impacting audiences: Methods for studying change (pp. 189-202). New York, NY: Routledge.

Shenfield, R. & Prendergast, M. (2022). Opening up the field of drama education to performance studies: Tensions and opportunities. In M. McAvoy & P. O’Connor (Eds.), Routledge Companion to Drama in Education (pp. 499-512). Routledge.

Sadeghi-Yekta, K. & Prendergast, M. (Eds.). (2022). Applied theatre: Ethics. London, UK: Bloomsbury.

Shenfield, R. & Prendergast, M. (2021). What makes an effective teacher? Revealing good teaching practice through interview poetic transcription. In C. Vanover, P. Mihas and J. Saldaña (Eds.), Analyzing and interpreting qualitative data: After the interview (pp. 347-363). SAGE.

Uria Irarte, E. & Prendergast, M. (2021). Qualitative Inquiry, 27(2), 265-275.

Prendergast, M. (2020). anecdotal [Poem]. , 26(6), 674-676. 

Prendergast, M. (2020). Dwelling in the human/posthuman entanglement of poetic inquiry: Poetic missives to and from Carl Leggo. , 17(2), 13-33. 

Prendergast, M. & Saxton, J. (2020). Applied theatre and education: We are not-yet…. , 181, 8-13. 

Prendergast, M. & Shenfield, R. (2019). From theatre to performance studies: Collaborating on curriculum change with secondary level dramatic arts teachers. , 24(2), 118-132.

Prendergast, M. & W. Weigler (Eds.). (2018). . [E-book]. Victoria, BC: 番茄社区. 

Prendergast, M. (2017). Insomnia/ac/ademic [Poems]. , 25(9-10), 836-838. 

Prendergast, M. (2017). Delegated performance: Interdisciplinary tensions, provocations, questions. , 7(1), 25-42.

Prendergast, M. (2016). , 26(3), 343-349. 

Prendergast, M. (2016). Staging the not-yet: How dramatic ensemble creates utopian space. [Monograph]. Drama Australia.

Prendergast, M. & Saxton, J. (Eds.). (2016). Applied theatre: International case studies and challenges for practice (2nd ed.). Intellect Books.

Prendergast, M. (2015). Staging the not-yet: How dramatic ensemble creates utopian space. [Monograph]. Stafford, QLD: Drama Australia.

Galvin, K.T. & Prendergast, M. (Eds.). (2015). Poetic inquiry II: Seeing, caring, understanding: Using poetry as and for inquiry. Rotterdam: Sense. Carter, M.R., Prendergast, M. & Belliveau, G. (Eds.). (2015).  [EBook]

Prendergast, M. (2015). Reflections on a peace education theatre project: Performing Dario Fo and Franca Rame’s Peace Mum. , 14(1), Article 11. 

Prendergast, M. (2015). Sharing the wealth: Performance studies in the lives of young people. In M.R. Carter, M. Prendergast & G. Belliveau, (Eds.). (2015).  (pp. 108-116). [EBook]

Prendergast, M. & Saxton, J. (July 2015). Story and applied theatre: Fictionalizing Theatre of the Real in collective process. Paper presented at triennial International Drama in Education Research Institute, National Institute of Education, Singapore.

Prendergast, M., Birch, R., Bishop, K., Chamberlain-Snider, S., Clement, C., Pauluth-Penner, T. & Weigler, W. (July 2015). Performance studies in secondary education: Developing an ensemblebased curriculum for students 16-18. Paper presented at triennial International Drama in Education Research Institute, National Institute of Education, Singapore.

Carter, M.R., Belliveau, G. & Prendergast, M. (July 2015). Drama and theatre education: Canadian perspectives. Presentation at triennial International Drama in Education Research Institute, National Institute of Education, Singapore.

Prendergast, M. (2014). “I contain multitudes”: The challenges of self-representation in arts-based educational research. , 15(SI 2), Article 2. 

Prendergast, M. (2014). Misperformance ethnography. Applied Theatre Research, 2(1), 77-90.

Prendergast, M. (May 2014). Part of the problem? A contrarian look at the socially-engaged work of art and arts-based research. Paper presented at the Tenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL.

Prendergast, M. (July 2014). Sharing the wealth: Performance studies in the educational lives of young people. Paper presented at Int’l Federation for Theatre Research, University of Warwick, UK.

Prendergast, M. & Blumenfeld-Jones, D. (Eds.). (2014). Arts-based educational research: Special issue. , 15(SI 2)

Prendergast, M. & Saxton, J. (2013). Applied drama: A Facilitator’s handbook to working in community. Bristol, UK: Intellect Books.  

Prendergast, M. & Belliveau, G. (2013). Poetics and performance. In A. Trainor & E. Graue (Eds.), Reviewing qualitative research in the social sciences (pp. 197-210). New York: Routledge.  

Prendergast, M. (2012). Poetic inquiry and the social poet. In S. Thomas, A. Cole & S. Stewart (Eds.), The art of poetic inquiry (pp. 488-502). Halifax, NS: Backalong Books.  

Prendergast, M. (2012). Education and/as art: A found poetry suite. , 13(Interlude 2), 1-19.

Galvin, K. & Prendergast, M. (Eds.). (2012). Poetic inquiry: Special issue. , 5(2). 

Prendergast, M. & Borody, C. (Eds.). (2011). Shakespeare and practice-based research: Special issue. , 3(1). 

Prendergast, M. (2011). in exile/in flight: Two poems from a poetic autoethnography of academic banishment. Cultural StudiesßàCritical Methodologies, 11(3), 303-305. 

Prendergast, M. (2011). Utopian performatives and the social imaginary: Toward a new philosophy of drama/theatre education. Journal of Aesthetic Education, 45(1), 58-73. 

Prendergast, M. (Ed.). (2010). Research-based applied theatre: Special issue on No Particular Place to Go. , 2(1). 

Prendergast, M. (2010). “What is in your heart?” A scripted transcription of a post-show conversation. , 2, Article 7, 1-17.   

Prendergast, M. (2010). Reflective praxis though narrative and poetry: Performing Peace Mum. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 15(1), 79-87.