
Dr. Erika Germanos

Dr. Erika Germanos
Assistant Professor, Science Education, Environmental Education
Curriculum and Instruction
Office: MacLaurin A566

PhD (Education) Universidade Federal de Uberlandia, Brazil, MSc (Biodiversity and Conservation) Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil, BSc (Biology) Federal University of Uberlandia, Brazil

  • Science Education
  • Teacher Education
  • Critical Pedagogy
  • Critical Environmental Education
  • K-12 Science Education
  • Science Methods
  • Environmental Education

Saito, C.H. & Germanos, E. (2024).Freirean Perspectives on Environmental Education Amidst the Climate Emergency. In: PEDRINI, A.G. (Org.) A educação ambiental frente a Emergência Climática. International Journal of Environmental Resilience Research and Science, Cascavel.

Saito, C., Souza M. I., Germanos,E.,  Delaître, E., Bastos F., Maquet, C., Mitja, D. (2024). Linking environment, education and the fight against hunger and poverty under the just and sustainability transition: The Franco-Brazilian cooperation experiences. Springer (IN PRESS).

Goulart, M. I. M., Germanos, E., & Roth, W.-M. (2022). Expanding young children's life world. Cultural Studies of Science Education,17(2), 251-276. 

Germanos, E., & Longarezi, A. M. (2019). On “becoming-aware” as a key component to teachers’ professional development. Revista Obutchénie, 3(3), 1-11. 

Germanos, E. Teachers professional development. (2019). Revista Obutchénie, 2(3), 698-722.