
Dr. Sylvia Pantaleo

Dr. Sylvia Pantaleo
Professor Emerita, Language & Literacies
Curriculum and Instruction



PhD (Elementary Education) University of Alberta, MA (Curriculum & Instruction) University of Calgary, BEd (Elementary Education) Queen's University, BA (Psychology & Sociology) University of Guelph, (Early Childhood Education) Fanshawe College

Articles Published in Refereed Journals 2014-2024


Pantaleo, S. (2024b). Young children, wordless picturebooks and inferencing. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 47(1), 125-142.

Pantaleo, S. (2024a). Elementary students' engagement in transduction and creative and critical thinking. Literacy, 58(1), 58-71.

Pantaleo, S. (2020). Slow looking: “Reading picturebooks takes time.” Literacy54(1), 40-48.

Pantaleo, S. (2019a). Creativity and elementary students’ multimodal narrative representations. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy42(1), 17-27.

Pantaleo, S. (2019b). Exploring metalepsis in Snappsy the alligator (Did not ask to be in this book!). Journal of Children’s Literature45(1), 15-25.

Pantaleo, S. (2019c). Metalepsis in elementary students’ multimodal narrative representations. Research in the Teaching of English54(1), 8-30.

Pantaleo, S. (2019d). The meaning-making affordances of composing print and digital graphic narratives. Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education, 47(4), 437-449.

Pantaleo, S. (2019e). The semantic and syntactic qualities of paneling in students’ graphic narratives. Visual Communication18(1), 55-81.

Pantaleo, S. (2019f). Studio habits of mind, picturebooks and student multimodal ensembles. Ubiquity: The Journal of Literature, Literacy, and the Arts6(2),

Pantaleo, S. (2018a). Elementary students’ analytical responses about David Wiesner’s TheThree PigsNew Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship24(2), 167-188.

Pantaleo, S. (2018b). Elementary students’ meaning-making of graphic novels. Language and Education32(3), 242-256.

Pantaleo, S. (2018c). Learning through and about picturebook artwork. The Reading Teacher71(5), 557-567.

Pantaleo, S. (2017a). Critical thinking and young children’s exploration of picturebook artwork. Language and Education32(2), 152-168.

Pantaleo, S. (2017b). Exploring the artwork in young students’ multimodal compositions. Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education45(1), 17-35.

Pantaleo, S., & Walker, G. (2017). Exploring the artwork of Peter Brown’s Mr. Tiger goes wildJournal of Children’s Literature43(1), 38-47.

Pantaleo, S. (2016a). Primary students transgress storyworld boundaries in their multimodal compositions. Journal of Research in Childhood Education30(2), 237-251.

Pantaleo, S. (2016b). Primary students’ understanding and appreciation of the artwork in picturebooks. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy16(2), 228-255.

Pantaleo, S. (2016c). Teacher expectations and student literacy engagement and achievement.Literacy50(2), 83-92.

Pantaleo, S. (2015a). Language, literacy and visual texts. English in Education49(2), 113-129.

Pantaleo, S. (2015b). The intentionality of design in one middle years student’s multimodaltext. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics(4), 398-418.

Pantaleo, S. (2014a). Elementary students consider the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of typography in picturebooks. New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship20(2), 144-166.

Pantaleo, S. (2014b). Exploring the artwork in picturebooks with middle years students. Journal of Children’s Literature40(1), 15-26.

Pantaleo, S. (2014c). Reading images in graphic novels: Taking students to a “greater thinking level.” English in Australia49(1), 38-52.

Pantaleo, S. (2014d). The metafictive nature of postmodern picturebooks. The Reading Teacher, 67(5), 324-332.


Bainbridge, J., & Pantaleo, S. (1999). Learning with literature in the Canadian elementary classroom. Edmonton, AB: The University of Alberta Press & Duval House Publishing.

Pantaleo, S. (2008). Exploring student response to contemporary picturebooks. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Sipe, L., & Pantaleo, S. (Eds.). (2008). Postmodern picturebooks: Play, parody, and self-referentiality. New York: Routledge.

Selected Chapters in Books

Pantaleo, S. (2018). Paratexts in picturebooks. In B. Kümmerling-Meibauer (Ed.), Routledge companion to picturebooks (pp. 38-48). London, UK: Routledge.

Pantaleo, S. (2017). What are postmodern picturebooks? In M. Martinez, C. Temple & J. Yokota (Eds.), Thinking and learning through children’s literature (pp. 46-47).  New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield.

Pantaleo, S. (2015). Filling in the gaps: Exploring the writerly metaphors in Shaun Tan’s The red tree. In J. Evans (Ed.), Challenging and controversial picturebooks: Creative and critical responses to visual texts (pp. 225-242). London, UK: Routledge.

Pantaleo, S. (2012). Exploring grade 7 students’ responses to Shaun Tan’s The red tree. In M. Mackey (Ed.), Picturebooks and literary understanding in honour of Lawrence Sipe (pp. 51-71). New York, NY: Springer. (Published originally as an article in 2012 in Children’s Literature in Education 

Pantaleo, S. (2011a). An ecological perspective on the socially embedded nature of reading and writing. In K. Pahl & J. Roswell (Eds.), Early childhood literacy: Volume IV: New directions in early literacy policy and practice (pp. 115-136). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. (Published originally as an article in 2009 in the Journal of Early Childhood Literacy)

Pantaleo, S. (2010a). Contemporary picturebooks with radical change characteristics. In M. C. Courtland & T. Gambell (Eds.) Literature, media, and multiliteracies in adolescent language arts classrooms (pp. 103 -125). Vancouver, BC: Pacific Educational Press.

Pantaleo, S. (2009b). Exploring children's responses to the postmodern picturebook, Who’s afraid of the big bad book? In J. Evans (Ed.), Talking beyond the page: Reading and responding to picturebooks (pp. 44-61). London: Routledge.

Pantaleo, S. (2008a). Ed Vere’s The getaway: Starring a postmodern cheese thief. In L. Sipe & S. Pantaleo (Eds.), Postmodern picturebooks: Play, parody, and self- referentiality (pp. 238-255). New York: Routledge.

Pantaleo, S. (Guest Ed.). (2001a). Integrating literature throughout the curriculum. In C. Cornet & K. Smithrim, The arts as meaning makers: Integrating literature and the arts throughout the curriculum (Canadian edition) (pp. 63-114). Toronto: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Pantaleo, S. (Guest Ed.). (2001b). Literature seed strategies. In C. Cornet & K. Smithrim, The arts as meaning makers: Integrating literature and the arts throughout the curriculum (Canadian edition) (pp. 115-132). Toronto: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Pantaleo, S., & Sipe, L. (2008). Postmodernism and picturebooks. In L. Sipe & S. Pantaleo (Eds.), Postmodern picturebooks: Play, parody, and self-referentiality (pp. 1-8). New York: Routledge.