
Dr. David Blades

Dr. David Blades
Professor Emeritus, Science Education & Curriculum Studies
Curriculum and Instruction



PhD (Secondary Education) University of Alberta, MEd (Curriculum Studies) 番茄社区, BEd (Biological Sciences and Physical Education, with distinction) 番茄社区, Professional Teaching Certificate, Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology, Government of B.C.

Some recent papers and chapters:

Blades, David (2012). Why most students don’t choose STEM careers. PolicyMatters, Nov. 9, 2012 published at: .

Blades, David W. (2012). Power and socioscientific issues: The pedagogy of Mire’s critique of skin whitening cosmeceuticals. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education 12 (3), 292-301.

Blades D. and Brookes, K. (2011). Dot to Dots in the sky: Encouraging multiculturalism and creativity in science education through constellations. Accelerator 34 (2), 23-26 (referred, national).

Blades, David (2012). Foucault, authority and the possibility of curriculum reform in secondary school science education. In B. L. Spencer, K. Gariepy, K. Dehli (Eds.), Canadian education: Governing practices & producing subjects (pp. 23-35). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishing.

Blades, D. (2011). Re-viewing the war in Afghanistan: A curriculum journey of a “good Canadian.” In H. Smits and R. Naqvi (Eds.), Thinking about and enacting curriculum in “Frames of War” (pp. 21-37). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishing.

Blades, D. (2011). Time and teacher control in curriculum adoption: Lessons from the Lighthouse School Project. In L. D. Yore, E. Van der Flier-Keller, D. W. Blades, T. W. Pelton, & D. B. Zandvliet (Eds.), Pacific CRYSTAL centre for science, mathematics, and technology literacy: Lessons learned (pp. 203-215). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense.

Blades, David. (2009). Serah’s song: Lessons for dancing with history and culture in curriculum studies. In J. Nahachewsky & I. Johnston (Eds.), Beyond ‘presentisim’” Re-imagining the historical, personal, and social places of curriculum (pp. 1-9). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Blades, D. (2008). Positive growth: Developments in the philosophy of science education. Curriculum Inquiry 38 (4): 387-400 (referred, international).

Blades, D. & Richardson, G. (2006). Re-starting the interrupted discourse of the public good: Global citizenship education as moral imperative. In D. Blades & G. Richardson (Eds.), Troubling the canon of citizenship education (pp. 115-123). New York: Peter Lang.


Yore, L. D., Van der Flier-Keller, E., Blades, D. W., Pelton, T. W., & Zandvliet, D. B. (Eds.). (2011). Pacific CRYSTAL centre for science, mathematics, and technology literacy: Lessons learned. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishing.

Richardson, G. H. and Blades, D. (2009). Troubling the canon of citizenship education (Chinese publication; Z. G. J. de Zhunze, Trans.) Beijing: Educational Science Publishing.

Richardson, G. H. & Blades, D. W. (2006). Troubling the canon of citizenship education. New York: Peter Lang.

Blades, David; Johnston, Ingrid & Simmt, Elaine (2000). Cultural diversity and secondary school curricula. Ottawa: Canada Race Relations Foundation.

Blades, David W. (1997). Procedures of power and curriculum change: Foucault and the quest for change in science education. New York: Peter Lang.

Recent presented papers:

Kim, M., Anthony, R., & Blades, D. (2012). Argumentation as a tool to understand complexity of knowledge integration. Paper presented at the 2nd International STEM in Education conference, Nov 24-28, Beijing, China (presented on Nov. 26).

Blades, D., van der Flier-Keller, E., Milford, T., Alpert, S. (2012). The EOS (Earth and Ocean Sciences) 120/Education project: Improving science teacher education through faculty partnerships. Poster presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, B.C., April 14. (main author)

Hammond-Todd, M. and Blades, D. (2012). The sustainability and the curriculum of endangered species. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability. Vancouver: University of British Columbia, January 11. (co-author)

Blades, David and Sen, Göksenin (2011). Re-sculpting vulnerability in physics education: From suffering to elegance. Presentation to the 5th Biennial Provoking Curriculum Conference, University of Alberta, October 22 (referred).