
Research areas

Below is a listing of research areas, click on the research area to show/hide the list of faculty members associated with each area.

Communication, signal processing and control

Michael Adams, PhD (British Columbia)

Digital signal processing; image/video/audio processing and coding; digital geometry processing; wavelets, subdivision, and filter banks; algorithms; multimedia systems; data compression; computer graphics.

Panajotis Agathoklis, Dr ScTech (Swiss Fed. Inst. of Tech.)

Digital signal processing, multidimensional systems, control systems.

Andreas Antoniou, PhD (London)

Analog and digital filter design, digital signal processing, electronic circuits, optimization methods.

Alexandra Branzan Albu, PhD (Bucharest)

Computer vision, pattern recognition, image processing, human computer interaction.

Lin Cai, PhD (Waterloo)

Wireless networks and mobile computing, resource and mobility management, flow and congestion control, medium access control, multimedia services, cross-layer design.

Xiaodai Dong, PhD (Queen's)

Wireless communications systems, ultra-wideband communications, multicarrier and multiple antenna communication systems, radio propagation, cooperative communications, cognitive radio.

Peter F. Driessen, PhD (British Columbia)

Audio and video signal processing, computer music, sound recording, wireless communications, radio propagation.

T. Aaron Gulliver, PhD (Victoria)

Wireless communications, ultra-wideband systems, wireless networks, cross-layer design, optical wireless, cognitive radio, OFDM and MIMO systems, secure communications, algebraic coding theory, information theory, cryptography and computer security, software radio, communications algorithms.

Wu-Sheng Lu, PhD (Minnesota)

Design and analysis of digital filters, wavelets and filter banks, DSP for telecommunications, numerical optimization and applications.

Michael McGuire, PhD (Toronto)

Model-based and adaptive filtering, digital signal processing and wireless network control.

Homayoun Najjaran, PhD (Toronto)

Application of artificial intelligence in robotics, computer vision, control and autonomous systems.

Stephen W. Neville, PhD (Victoria)

Computer and network security, artificial intelligence, statistical signal processing, pattern recognition, fault detection and diagnosis, distributed systems, decision support systems.

Hong-Chuan Yang, PhD (Minnesota)

Wireless communications and networks, diversity techniques, performance analysis, cross-layer design, and energy efficient communications.


Computers, software and networking

Michael Adams, PhD (British Columbia)

Digital signal processing; image/video/audio processing and coding; digital geometry processing; wavelets, subdivision, and filter banks; algorithms; multimedia systems; data compression; computer graphics.

Amirali Baniasadi, PhD (Northwestern)

Low-power design, power-aware architectures, VLSI, interconnect, high-performance processors.

Alexandra Branzan Albu, PhD (Bucharest)

Computer vision, pattern recognition, image processing, human computer interaction.

Lin Cai, PhD (Waterloo)

Wireless networks and mobile computing, resource and mobility management, flow and congestion control, medium access control, multimedia services, cross-layer design.

Thomas E. Darcie, PhD (Toronto)

Optical systems, optical communications, fiber-optic systems and technology, broadband networks, microwave/terahertz photonics, optical imaging and image processing systems, broadband applications.

Nikitas J. Dimopoulos, PhD (Maryland)

Computer architecture, power aware computing, neural networks.

Fayez Gebali, PhD (British Columbia)

Parallel algorithms, computer communications, computer architecture, computer arithmetic, multicore systems.

Kin Fun Li, PhD (Concordia)

Web mining and computer architecture.

Homayoun Najjaran, PhD (Toronto)

Application of artificial intelligence in robotics, computer vision, control and autonomous systems.

Stephen W. Neville, PhD (Victoria)

Computer and network security, artificial intelligence, statistical signal processing, pattern recognition, fault detection and diagnosis, distributed systems, decision support systems.

Daler N. Rakhmatov, PhD (Arizona)

Energy-efficient computing, dynamically reconfigurable systems, electronic design automation.

Mihai Sima, PhD (Bucharest), PhD (Delft)

Computer architecture, reconfigurable computing, circuit design, embedded systems, digital signal processing, speech recognition.

Issa Traoré, PhD (Institut National Polytechnique, Toulouse)

Secure information systems, distributed systems, formal methods, requirements specification, object-oriented design and programming.

Electronics and energy

Ashoka K. S. Bhat, PhD (Toronto)

Power electronic controls, high-frequency link power conversion-resonant and pulse with modulation, power converters for alternative energy sources, design of electronic circuits for power control.

Harry H.L. Kwok, PhD (Stanford)

Advanced materials, electronic devices and IC design, mixed-mode circuits.

Chris Papadopoulos, PhD (Brown)

Nanomaterials, nanofabrication and self-assembly, nanoelectronics.

Mihai Sima, PhD (Bucharest), PhD (Delft)

Computer architecture, reconfigurable computing, circuit design, embedded systems, digital signal processing, speech recognition.

Adam Zielinski, PhD (Wroclaw)

Underwater acoustic systems; acoustic communications, telemetry and navigation; application of acoustics, ocean electronic instrumentation, signal acquisition and processing, electronic circuits and sensors.

Electromagnetics and photonics

Jens Bornemann, Dr-Ing (Bremen)

RF/wireless/microwave/millimeter-wave components for antennas feed systems, ultra-wideband and multi-band RF systems in modern integrated circuits, EM-based computer-aided antenna and component design.

Thomas E. Darcie, PhD (Toronto)

Optical systems, optical communications, fiber-optic systems and technology, broadband networks, microwave/terahertz photonics, optical imaging and image processing systems, broadband applications.

Reuven Gordon, PhD (Cambridge)

Nanophotonics, plasmonics, biophotonics, biosensors, optical trapping, lab-on-chip devices, nanotechnology and nanofabrication.

Wolfgang J.R. Hoefer, Dr-Ing (Grenoble)

Microwave, millimeter wave, optical theory and applications, computational electromagnetics and numerical field modelling, high speed circuit analysis and synthesis, metamaterials, superresolution imaging.

Poman P. M. So, PhD (Victoria)

Object-oriented computational electromagnetics, biomedical electromagnetics and instrumentation, computer-aided microwave circuit analysis and synthesis.

Materials and devices

Reuven Gordon, PhD (Cambridge)

Nanophotonics, plasmonics, biophotonics, biosensors, optical trapping, lab-on-chip devices, nanotechnology and nanofabrication.

Mina Hoorfar, PhD (Toronto)

Theoretical and experimental advancement of surface science and microfluidic technologies.

Harry H.L. Kwok, PhD (Stanford)

Advanced materials, electronic devices and IC design, mixed-mode circuits.

Chris Papadopoulos, PhD (Brown)

Nanomaterials, nanofabrication and self-assembly, nanoelectronics.

Thomas Tiedje PhD (British Columbia)

Epitaxial semiconductor and oxide film growth by molecular beam epitaxy; modeling of thin film growth by computational and analytic methods; electronic, optical and structural properties of expitaxial films; optical device fabrication.