
Electrical and computer engineering options

We offer the following options to students wishing to pursue even further in the subject area covered by an option. Options are additional courses that are offered beyond a BEng degree requirement.

ECE offers the following options:

Biomedical engineering is an emerging interdisciplinary specialty in the engineering profession. The field bridges the medical and engineering disciplines. The increasing use of sophisticated engineering technology in medical therapy and diagnostics is an important driver of the growing demand for biomedical engineers.

The fields of digital audio and computer music are very interdisciplinary, and include applications of many engineering subjects such as digital signal processing, real time operating systems and computer communications networks.

A flavor for what can be done by combining music and engineering can be read in various journals and conferences, including:

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The program of study includes courses in:

  • Recording techniques,
  • Computer music,
  • Audio signal processing,
  • Musical acoustics,
  • Music information retrieval

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers outstanding undergraduate students an opportunity for a head start in a master's program. Qualified students will be permitted to enroll in graduate-level courses during their fourth year. These courses will be in addition to any undergraduate requirements and thus can be transferred to the MASc or MEng degree program. All of the admission and transfer credit regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies must be met. For more information, please contact the chair or the graduate adviser of the department.