
Our program

Master of Engineering in Applied Data Science



The MADS program consists of six compulsory core technical courses (9 units), three compulsory professional courses (3 units), and three technical elective courses (4.5 units) selected from a list for a total of 16.5 units of course work:

First term

Second term

Third term

Two compulsory
technical courses:
ECE 503; CSC 501

Two compulsory
technical courses:
ECE 535; CSC 502

Two compulsory
technical courses:
ECE 537; CSC 503

One compulsory
professional course:
ECE 592A

One compulsory
professional course:
ECE 591

One compulsory
professional course:
ECE 592B

Three technical elective courses are to be chosen by the student
from the Electives list and taken during the three terms.

Compulsory core technical courses:

  • CSC501 - Algorithms and Data Models
  • CSC502 - Systems for Massive Datasets
  • CSC503 - Data Mining
  • ECE503 - Optimization for Machine Learning
  • ECE535 - Data Analysis and Pattern Recognition
  • ECE537 - Applied Data Analysis

Compulsory professional courses:a

  • ECE591 - Professional Foundation
  • ECE592A - Professional Career Development I
  • ECE592B - Professional Career Development II

Three elective courses from the following list:b

  • CSC504 - Data Science for Software Engineering
  • CSC511 - Information Visualization
  • CSC512 - Computing for Cognitive Augmentation
  • CSC520 - Analysis of Algorithms
  • CSC523 - Randomized Algorithms
  • CSC525 - Computational Biology Algorithms
  • CSC527 - Advanced Topics in Bioinformatics
  • CSC529 - Cryptography
  • CSC531 - Machine Learning Theory
  • CSC540 - Numerical Analysis I
  • CSC545 - Operations Research I
  • CSC546 - Operations Research II
  • CSC557 - Quantum Algorithms and Software Engineering
  • CSC561 - Multimedia Systems
  • CSC569 - Wireless and Mobile Networks
  • CSC575 - Music Retrieval Techniques
  • CSC577 - Safety and Assurance
  • CSC588A - Selected Topics in Data Science
  • CSC588B - Selected Topics in Data Science
  • CSC588C - Selected Topics in Data Science
  • CSC588D - Selected Topics in Data Science
  • CSC591 - Directed Studies
  • ECE506 - Applied Cryptography
  • ECE515 - Information Theory
  • ECE553 - Introduction to Parallel and Cluster Computing
  • ECE572 - Security, Privacy, and Data Analytics
  • ECE573 - Advanced Engineering Design by Optimization
  • ECE579A - Selected Topics in Data Science
  • ECE590 - Directed Study

A maximum of one course may be from the statistics elective courses below:

  • STAT558 - Design and Analysis of Experiments
  • STAT560 - Bayesian Statistics
  • STAT564 - Statistical Computing


  1. Not all elective courses are necessarily offered in each academic year. The student should contact the department that offers a particular elective course for scheduling information.
  2. Other courses, including topics courses, may be substituted as electives with the approval of the Program Director.