
Event Details

Design and Implementation of Automated Accident Notification System

Presenter: Hetang Patel

Date: Mon, July 23, 2018
Time: 14:30:00 - 15:00:00
Place: EOW 430



In today’s world we have a new way of staying touch with our daily objects is IoT (Internet Over Things). The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical devices like vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded systems. Embedded System plays a major role in today’s electronics field. So thus, IoT allows connectivity with physical devices and exchange data which is creating opportunities for more direct integration of the physical world into computer-based systems, resulting in efficiency improvements, economic benefits, and reduced human exertions. In today’s market, we have new breed of hybrid cars. They contain various feature which works on concept of embedded system and IoT like auto brake, lane alignment, airbag, collision warning to name a few. But, despite this much features we still can’t put a break on increase in number of car crash resulting in deaths. One of the main reason for high death rate is late medical response to crash site or insufficient treatment of victims due to lack of knowledge of victim’s condition at the time of response.

According to WHO, road traffic crashes take the lives of nearly 1.3 million people every year and injures 20–50 million more and by 2020 it will be 2 million people. In 2015 alone, over 2500 crash victims died in the Canada before ever reaching the hospital and 11,000 got seriously injured. Statically, UN has started “DECADE OF ACTION FOR ROAD SAFTETY 2011-2020” lead by WHO to increase awareness and reduce the death toll. This campaign is based on 5 pillars. Designed system works on idea behind Pillar 5. System was designed with concept of improving on Golden Hour which is time taken for crash response. National statistics clearly show that despite a growing wireless communications network and the availability of medical transport, the time to notify emergency personnel of a crash and respond to the crash victims can be quite lengthy. For fatal crashes in the Canada, the average pre-hospital time is approximately 20 minutes in urban areas and 45 min - 1 hour in rural areas.

In this project, system was designed to notify the crash to health agencies and families via email, which is based on concept of embedded system and IOT. There are several existing systems which also gives the same results but biggest asset of this system is its ability of quickly response with detail of seriousness of crash and image of the condition of victims in the car. Other feature which similar system lack is to ability to communicate with each other. When we have lack of internet due to no network on the phone or any other reason, system of crashed car will communicate with other system in passing cars and communicate with them to relay the notification. Two different kits were developed to work as two systems to test the performance of them and their ability to communicate with each other. System uses the hotspot feature of smartphone to provide internet connection to send email when crash occurs.