
Event Details

The Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) System - 1961-2001 - "The Long and Winding Road"

Presenter: Barry MacDougall

Date: Tue, November 20, 2001
Time: 15:00:00 - 16:00:00
Place: EOW 230



A brief history of the DMFC system will be given, starting from the classic electrochemical research of Bagotsky and Vasiliev in the early 1960's to the present. The speaker will talk about the excitement with this technology in the late 60's, during which time he was pursuing a PhD on the topic. The "quiet" period in the late 70's and early 80's was followed by an explosion of interest in the past 15 years with the discovery that bi-functional anode catalysts allow operation at much better cell potentials. The reasons for this will be presented, along with new research thrusts in anode development around the world. As well, the air-cathode side of the DMFC system will be briefly discussed, as well as the all-important proton-exchange membrane. The present day requirements for "real" operating systems, both small-scale portable and larger-scale transportation/static, will be highlighted. Future research directions in DMFC development, involving eg. the oft-cited field of "nanotechnology" will be discussed.


Barry MacDougall is an electrochemist who leads the NRC ICPET (Institute for Chemical Process and Environmental Technology, Ottawa) group on "Electrochemistry for Clean Chemical Processing." This group has developed catalysts for oxidation of organic wastes and more recently has applied its catalytic background to study the direct methanol fuel cell.