
Event Details

Implementation and Performance Analysis of 3-D Cone and Frustum Filters

Presenter: Hussam Shubayli
Supervisor: Dr. Pan Agathoklis

Date: Fri, August 21, 2015
Time: 12:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430



In this seminar, a new design and implementation method of 3D spatio-temporal FIR cone filters is presented. The new 3D cone filters are designed by cascading temporal uniform filter banks with 2D low-pass circularly-symmetric spatial filters. In addition, two 3D spatio-temporal frustum filters are derived from the new FIR 3D ST cone filters by implementing partial bands of filter banks with corresponding 2D spatial filters. The performance of the new implementation structure of 3D ST cone and frustum filters are evaluated in beam-forming of broadband signals in radio astronomy applications. The performance of the proposed 3D cone and frustum filters shows improvement in terms of Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise ratio compared to existing 3D ST cone and frustum filters. In addition to their effective performance, the new implementation structure of 3D ST uniform cone and frustum filters are efficiently implemented with equivalent or less computational complexity when compared to existing methods.