
Event Details

Central Configurations of the Four-Body Problem

Presenter: Dr. Marshall Hampton - Department of Mathematics, University of Washington

Date: Thu, November 1, 2001
Time: 15:30:00 - 00:00:00
Place: Clearihue A-307



Central configurations are important special solutions in the classical n-body problem, the study of point masses interacting according to Newton's theory of gravity. Loosely speaking they generate the self-similar solutions of the n-body problem. They provide a crucial starting point for many other questions. In the 18th century, Euler and Lagrange categorized all of the central configurations of the 3-body problem. The 4-body problem is immensely more difficult, and many open questions remain about the 4-body central configurations. I will provide some background into this area, and discuss my recent results on the existence of 4-body concave central configurations.

Refreshments will be served @ 3:00 p.m.